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我说服你们了吗?Have I convinced you?

你说服我了。You have convinced me.

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我仍然没有被说服。I'm still not convinced.

我是否已经说服你了呢?Have I convinced you yet?

我确信他有罪。I'm convinced of his guilt.

但是,你对此坚信不移吗?But are you convinced of it?

也许您还不太信服我刚才介绍的这些技术。Perhaps you are not convinced.

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但是其他人并不那么信服。But others are not so convinced.

半数的美国人坚信这点。Over half are convinced of this.

王大叔看来还不相信。Uncle Wang didn't look convinced.

然而那位老前辈并未信服。The grand old man was not convinced.

你说什么?我已经使你信服了吗?What do you say? Have I convinced you?

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你让我相信姐妹情。可是…You convinced me of the sibling thing.

批评改革的人绝不会这么轻易就被说服。Critics of reform were never convinced.

他说服其国人接受其价值观。He convinced his countrymen of his value.

打出来的女人口服,疼出来的的女人心服。Hit woman oral pain, the woman convinced.

我们不认为增强萨满需要AE。We're not convinced Enhancement needs AE.

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你虽然善辩,但我仍然不够信服。You argue well, still I am not convinced.

在我的游说下,他同意投资我们公司。I convinced him to invest in this company.

但是他们的爱情故事让我信服了。But later I was convinced by their romance.