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形而上的粘质是什么?What's the metaphysical glue?

这还有一种超自然的解决方法。There is a metaphysical approach, too.

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但这其实只是一个哲学错觉But that's really a metaphysical illusion.

邪恶是道德上而非哲学上的存在。Evil is a moral and not a metaphysical reality.

哲学上的玄想出自实际情况。Metaphysical inquiry came out of physical fact.

然后他开始将形而上学变成真实。And then he starts to get metaphysical for real.

我开始和这些形而上学的马屁精争论。I began to argue with the metaphysical sycophants

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随即你便会陷入一堆形而上学的谜团中去And then you'd have all these metaphysical conundrums.

形而上学来说,火车的组成是怎样的呢?What's the right kind of metaphysical glue for trains?

仍然,这就是这形而上学问题的答案。But still,that's the answer to the metaphysical question.

魏晋玄言清谈具有一种艺术意味和艺术精神。Metaphysical idle talk embodied an art meaning and spirit.

然而,他主要是“形而上学”的观点。However, he was majorly from a "metaphysical" point of view.

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一方面要搞清形而上学中,人的构造是什么What's the metaphysical composition of people, on the one hand?

把这阶段连接起来的,形而上粘质是什么呢?What's the metaphysical glue ? that glues these stages together?

所以,哲思逻辑又可以称为对当关系逻辑。Therefore, metaphysical logic can be also termed oppositional logic.

我不知道,哪个形而上的假设是正确的。I don't know which of these metaphysical hypothesis is the correct one.

人格同一性的形而上关键,在于有同一个灵魂。The metaphysical key to personal identity is having the very same soul.

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以黑格尔为主要完成者的近代法哲学本质上是法的形而上学。Modem philosophy of rights finished by Hegel, by nature, is metaphysical.

你可能会担心这些形而上的,部件对汽车来说有什么作用。Then you might worry about what's the relevant metaphysical glue for cars.

柏拉图在“柯里西亚斯”说了亚特兰蒂斯故事的更加形而上学版本。Plato tells a more metaphysical version of the Atlantis story in "Critias."