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冬季北太平洋风暴轴存在明显的年际、年代际差异。In winter, the north pacific storm track experience significant annual and decadal variability.

在年代际时间尺度下,热带太平洋、印度洋海气系统的变异含有两个基本模态。On decadal time scale, there are two basic modes of air-sea system over the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean.

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公众受到气候波动和经济动荡的打击,已经无暇考虑十年内的变化情况。The public, buffeted by weather fluctuations and economic turmoil, has little time to analyse decadal changes.

但是,张知彬解释素,分析年度和十年期的温度对蝗虫数量的影响可能产生完全不同的结果。But analysing annual and decadal effects of temperature on locust populations could yield totally different results, explains Zhibin.

对气候进行监测、探明气候变化并究其原因以及为季-年际的和十年的模式提供输入都需要大气资料。Data are needed to monitor the climate, detect and attribute change and provide input for both seasonal-to-interannual and decadal models.

平均最低气温和平均风速的变化趋势不明显,但所有气候要素均表现出明显的年代际变化特征。At the same time, minimum temperature and wind speed did not have an obvious trend. All of these variables showed obvious decadal variations.

在综合分析了近几十年气候资料的基础上,揭示了本世纪60年代的一次亚非夏季风十年尺度的突变。On the basis of comprehensive analyses of recent climatic data, it exposes a decadal abrupt change of African-Asian Summer Monsoon in the 1960s.

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对地区气候的可靠预测需要实际模拟温度和降雨量模式的每天、季节和10年的变化。Reliable prediction of regional climates needs realistic simulation of daily, seasonal and decadal changes in temperatures and rainfall patterns.

太阳黑子活动的年代际和长期变化对升温和降温云层模式的影响现在已被确认为一个重要因素。Decadal and longer changes in sunspot activity impacting warming and cooling cloud cover patterns are now being recognized as an important factor.

沙尘暴日数的年代际异常与高空西风急流、大风日数、降水等要素年代际异常以及沙尘暴区地形地貌等因素关系密切。The decadal anomaly of sandstorm days closely related mainly with westerly jetstream, gale days, annual precipitation, and local landform, and so on.

该计划从事气候系统的物理学和动力学过程的调查,时间尺度包括季节周期、年内周期、十年和百年周期。CLIVAR investigates the physical and dynamical processes in the climate system that occur on seasonal, interannual, decadal and centennial time-scales.

EESC的年代际变化与臭氧变化趋势相似,臭氧的年际变化与平流层温度关系密切。Decadal changes in EESC are similar to those of the ozone hole, and interannual variations of ozone are closely related with stratospheric temperature.

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宁夏大雾局地特征十分明显,不同地区大雾日数年变化差异较大,但大雾日数年代际变化特征不明显。The regional character of heavy fog is obvious in Ningxia. The fog day changes are different in different regions. The fog day decadal variation are not obvious.

年降水集中度、集中期与夏季北极涛动和东亚夏季风在年代际尺度上存在很好的相关性。It is also found that there are better correlation between PCD, PCP and the East Asia summer monsoon, summer Arctic oscillation on inter- decadal scale, respectively.

讨论了白银市气温突变及年代际变化特征,并利用均生函数预测模型对白银市气温进行预测试验。The temperature abrupt changes and its decadal variation features in the Baiyin district, Gansu province are used in the experiment of the short-term climate prediction.

利用观测资料对夏季欧亚地区阻塞活动的年代际变化特征及其与我国降水年代际变化的可能联系进行了分析。On the basis of observations investigation is conducted on the decadal characteristics of summer Eurasian blockings and its possible relation to precipitation over China.

强降雨直接影响系统具有明显的中尺度时、空特点,时间为几个到十几个小时,水平尺度一般为几百公里。The scales of the direct influencing weather systems were obviously mesoscale, with time scale of several to decadal hours, and the horizontal scale several hundred kilometers.

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NOAA的研究指出,自1995年以来此热带数十年信息造成日益增多的大西洋飓风活动,而且该活动与温室暖化现象并无直接关联。NOAA research shows that the tropical multi- decadal signal is causing the increased Atlantic hurricane activity since 1995, and "is not related to greenhouse warming, " the agency said.

另外,在太平洋潜热场处于不同的年代际背景下,它与大气环流和我国气温之间的年际变化关系存在很大的差异。In addition, the annual connections among the latent heat flux over the Pacific Ocean, the air cell and the winter air temperature in China are different, under different decadal backgrounds.

值得注意的是,虽然适用于工程方案、年代际和流域级方案的地区已确定,但确切的建设时间和地点还没确定。Note that while the areas used for the engineering measures are known with decadal and catchment level resolution, the exact timing and location of their construction is not currently available.