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在目前ADAS市场上,是无需质疑的最佳系统。Without a doubt, it is the best ADAS system on the market.

公司官员说,陆军创建ADAS计划,帮助飞行员在较低水平飞行。The Army established the ADAS program to help pilots flying at low levels.

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据悉,新的合同是2008年9月签订的ADAS联合能力技术演示合同的一个延伸。The new contract is an extension of the Joint Capability Technology Demonstration contract for ADAS initially funded in September 2008.

关西电力公司在配电系统引入IT技术的思路对我国供电部门很有借鉴意义。Kansai EP? methodologies and experiences of the introduction of IT into the ADAS canbe a good reference for constructions of ADASs with IT in China.

庆图偷偷买下到香港的火车票,更通知绮梅两人将趁乙恒为三水与雪乔的婚宴忙得不亦乐乎时私奔。Igawa figure secretly bought tickets to Hong Kong, two more notice while YiHeng adas mei for sanshui and snow Joe extremely busy during the reception when elopement.

一敏与绮玲发现有准新人腾出2010年10月10日的空档,绮玲决议应用此档期与男友拉埋天窗。A sensitive time with new adas ling found make October 10, 2010 the gap of the application of this resolution, slotted adas ling with boyfriend pull buried skylights.

这时姨太太绮梅忽然闯进书房,向乙恒说出家乡的家人有病需求汇钱就医,但竟换来乙恒的掌掴。Then suddenly barged into the study be adas mei YiHeng say hometown to remit money to family sick demand for medical treatment, but YiHeng slapping down reports that the.

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介绍了一种新型的分布式智能数据采集系统――ALPHA900系列数据采集器。This article introduces a new intelligent data acquisition system called ALPHA900 series, which manufactured by 304th institute of China Aviation Industry Corporation and ADAS company of UK.

君竹对丁香有着无限的好奇,穷追不舍,绮红无意中发现丁香总是在写信,但丁香却不曾将信寄出,绮红越来越觉得丁香难以猜透。Jun bamboo to have unlimited clove curiosity, chase, ADAS red accidentally found that clove is always in the letter, but lilac but don't letter, Qi feel more and more difficult to read red lilac.

利用三用滴谱仪取样资料,分析了雾的微物理结构特征,讨论了影响微结构的主要因子及与宏观发展过程之间的关系。The characters of the ABL structure and evolution of microstructure are analysed, and the physical development of the fog is also studied based on the data from ADAS and the triplex dropletcollector.