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反对者则把他说成是关节炎患者和文盲。Defectors have described him as arthritic and illiterate.

他对后来确定关节炎地区纹身。He had tattoos over areas later determined to be arthritic.

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在短距离触发刚性,关节炎的手指理想。The short trigger distance is ideal for stiff, arthritic fingers.

这里没有任何迹象表明有道路存在,只有松树好似得了关节炎的树枝指向无边无际的天空。Nosigns point the way here, only the arthritic limbs of a pine gesturing to anendless sky.

当我解释完,她低着头坐着,不停地扭动着手指关节。When I amfinished she sits with her head bowed, twisting her arthritic fingers intostrange shapes.

他的团队希望工程软骨最终能够用于治疗关节炎。His team hopes the engineered cartilage will eventually be used to resurface arthritic human joints.

他现在正饱受椎间盘突出、关节炎、坡脚之苦,胸腔里还长了东西。He was in increasing pain from slipped discs, arthritic joints, a gammy foot and a growth on his chest.

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韧带拉伤、软骨撕裂、关节炎症、神经痛等都是常见的“瑜伽病”。Ligament pulls injury, cartilage to tear off, arthritic disease, neuralgic etc is common " gem gal is ill ".

在拖着一双患有关节炎疼痛的双膝行走多年后,托尼•贝森决定更换它们。After years trying to get around on a pair of painful arthritic knees, Tony Basone decided to have them replaced.

火车似乎也为摆脱了城市的喧嚣而高兴,车速放慢下来,就是一匹生关节炎的长颈鹿也能跑得这么快。As if glad to be free of the city, the train slackens speed and proceeds at a pace an arthritic giraffe could match.

然而鉴于手指和膝盖都有伤,小飞侠早早的便结束训练继续休养去了。Bryant, who has an arthritic finger and a gimpy ankle among several minor injuries, left practice early to stay rested.

如阁下受长期的风寒湿痛症所困扰,我们独特的艾灸治疗正是你的解脱。If you suffer from long term rheumatic and arthritic illnesses, our unique Moxibustion Therapy is definitely your rescue.

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他们还有助于降低癌症风险和援助类风湿关节炎的解决方案,体重减轻的问题,胃癌和结肠癌。They also help reduce cancer risk and aid with rheumatoid arthritic solutions, weight loss issues, stomach and colon cancers.

如果手术并非天至一周内完成几个,关节炎的变化将开始无法扭转,甚至手术治疗。If surgery is not performed within a few days to a week, arthritic changes will begin that cannot be reversed, even with surgery.

常用于关节炎的药物,包括它们的作用机理及其对骨的影响,将总结在表格1中。Medications commonly taken for arthritic conditions, including their mechanisms of action and effects on bone, are summarized in Table 1.

杨女士63年来一直是凯萨的会员,她患有严重的关节炎和II型糖尿病,早年她的父亲也患有这些病症。Mrs. Young, a Kaiser member for 63 years, suffers from arthritic knees and Type II diabetes, which took her father’s life at an early age.

这包括所有不必要的手术后,结束寿命化疗和该署甚至比昂贵的关节炎关节保健范围。That includes all the unnecessary back surgeries, end-of-life chemotherapy and scopes for arthritic joints that are even more expensive than ED care.

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这些转基因小鼠随后接受了关节炎症状发生率和严重程度的测试,以及性别发病率的测试。These transgenic mice were then tested for incidence and severity of arthritic symptoms, as well as assessed for vulnerability to the disease by sex.

要缓解热的或冷的关节炎引起的关节疼痛,可尝试这种辛辣疗法,该疗法用薄荷油和迷迭香油香熏来缓解疼痛。To soothe the pain of both hot and cold arthritic joints, try this spicy remedy that has been countered with peppermint and rosemary oils for scent and pain relief.

由于爷爷患有膝关节炎,不能长时间站立,他就先煮果汁,然后拉过厨房的一张椅子,坐在炉子旁边。Unable to stand for long periods of time due to arthritic knees, Grandpa would get his juices cooking, then drag over one of the kitchen chairs and sit next to the stove.