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口腔粘膜囊肿会不会恶化?Can cyst of oral cavity mucous membrane worsen?

黏液细胞分泌酸性黏多糖。The mucous cells secrete acid mucopolysaccharides.

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它们可以快速、温和、轻而易举地擦除干结的鼻涕。They clean up dried mucous fast, gently, and easily.

我想我的子宫颈粘液栓塞脱落了,需要马上给医生打电话吗?I think I lost my mucous plug. Should I call my doctor?

浆粘液腺既含有粘液性细胞,又含有浆液性细胞。Seromucous glands contain both mucous and serous cells.

鼻腔的黏膜充血并且水肿。The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity are congested and edematous.

溶血性贫血,血红蛋白尿,黄疸,粘膜有瘀点。Hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria, jaundice & mucous membrane petechiation.

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吸烟能引起口腔粘膜白斑,甚至癌变。SuckSmokeCan cause blaze of oral cavity mucous membrane, even canceration.

此外,还观察到了泌氯细胞和粘液细胞。Moreover, the chloride secreting cells and mucous cells were also observed.

胡萝卜素也适用于粘膜与卵磷脂,以保持身体的。Beta-carotene also works with lecithin to maintain the body's mucous membranes.

健康的皮肤,粘膜和纤毛是许多病毒的天然屏障。Healthy, skin, mucous membranes, and cilia are natural barriers to many viruses.

颈黏液细胞分布在腺颈部,为混合黏液细胞,以分泌酸性糖共轭物为主。The mucus neck cells are mixed mucous cells secreting acid glycoconjugate mainly.

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各组肠粘膜匀浆中肿瘤坏死因子含量的比较。Comparison of tnf content in intestinal mucous membrane homogenate between groups.

脐部、皮肤及粘膜为主要侵入途径。The umbilicus, skin and mucous mem- brance are the main ways of bacteria invasion.

浆液腺表达高于粘液腺细胞的表达。Contrarily, the expression of serous gland cells is higher than mucous gland cells.

源于胃组织起源不同,粘液癌HP感染率比腺癌为高。HP infection rate in mucous type cancer is higher than the one in glandular cancer.

肠上皮细胞的线粒体空泡化。Mitochondria dissolved into vacuole in intestinal mucous membrane epithelial cells.

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这些五颜六色的鱼长着一层粘膜,保护它们不会被海葵刺痛。These colorful fish have a layer of mucous that keeps the anemone from stinging it.

下唇粘液囊肿是否会在周围到处乱串?。Whether can mucous cyst be labium all round string together in disorder everywhere?

口腔粘膜色素异常主要是色素沉着。Pigment of oral cavity mucous membrane basically is pigment unusually ad cool-headed.