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两人都不爱好对抗。Neither man relishes confrontation.

红珊瑚,狭路相逢。Red coral, unavoidable confrontation.

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Williams先生面对冲突,毫不退让。Mr Williams does not shrink from confrontation.

与偷猎者的对抗也带来了麻烦。The confrontation with poachers brought troubles.

未来战争是体系与体系的对抗。A future war is the system-to-system confrontation.

赛跑排序强迫了与现实的交锋。Racing sort of forced a confrontation with reality.

看来对抗是不可避免了,大人。Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, milord.

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两队的直接对话会决定联赛第二的归属。Second place will be decided in the direct confrontation.

对质演变成了拉扯头发。The confrontation then degenerated into a bout of hair pulling.

记得远离你的暖房,在争取想要的、想做的事情时拿出骨气,不要害怕。Get out of your comfort zone and don’t shy away from confrontation.

她向金姆挑衅,试图想和金姆争斗,但金姆避开与之对峙。She tries to pick a fight with her, but Kim avoids a confrontation.

针对意识形态的不同来大做文章是不明智的。It is unwise to foster a confrontation over ideological differences.

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在武装冲突中死了两个人,伤了好几个。Two people were killed and several wounded in the armed confrontation.

与美国的对峙并未消失而是呈现出一种新意。Confrontation with America did not disappear but took on a new meaning.

在同莫比?狄克最后的较量中,唯一的幸存者是伊希。Ishmael is the only survivor of the final confrontation with Moby Dick.

斯科拉和兰德里与新秀多西和坎贝尔对抗。Scola and Landry rookie with the multi-West confrontation and Campbell.

他与总管的第一次正面冲突是彻底的胜利。HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.

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我走过去,没有动手,我只是想跟他作个当面对质。I went over there, no punches, no shoves to the face, just confrontation.

但是你还是搞不明白为什么她老是要跟你对着干。But you can't put your finger on what the source of that confrontation was.

这名囚犯假装疯癫,避免与那个狱霸发生冲突。The prisoner faked insanity to avoid confrontation with the jailhouse bully.