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增加的护甲从23点增加到25点。Armor increased to 25 from 23.

普通鳞甲采用金属片。Mundane scale armor uses metal plates.

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撒但无法刺透上帝的军装。No evil can penetrate the armor of God.

我的装甲部队将会打垮你可怜的军队。My armor will crush your pathetic forces.

这种新型子弹头能够穿甲。This new type of bullet can pierce armor.

你可以用魔法护甲灌输你发现。You can imbue armor with magic you found.

从俄罗斯购买装甲,包括有穿甲弹头的。Armor of any kind, including APCs, Russia.

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英国提供了1,000套防弹衣。Britain offered 1, 000 sets of body armor.

他的汽车的钢板被撞开了一道隙缝。The armor plate of his car was split open.

苏联骑士正在他的铠甲内死去。The Soviet knight is dying inside his armor.

火器使得老式装甲被废弃。Firearms rendered oldsuits of armor obsolete.

一个披挂着浅粉红色盔甲的骑士出现在我的上方。A knight in pale pink armor appeared above me.

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森林女神攻击和铠甲防御在升级后提升。Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades.

他那套华丽服饰穿在身上好像猪穿盔甲似的。He carried all his finery like a hog in armor.

洛汗的盔甲干的时候重22千克,湿的时候重24千克。Rohan armor weighed 22 kilograms dry and 24 wet.

有一个穿着盔甲骑马的人。There's this guy in a bunch of armor on a horse.

我向你推荐一桩简单的交易——用他的命换荷露斯的铠甲!A simple trade – his life for the armor of Horus!

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甚至在危险时刻,多次以身相护。Even in time of danger, many times in body armor.

草药护甲是避蚊胺,驱蚊的作品免费!Herbal Armor is a Deet-free repellent that works!

炮塔和车体的前装甲质量低下。The frontal hull and turret armor is low quality.