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但敝公司却还有许多其它产品。But Pacer has many other projects.

练习用笔作追踪器和定速器。Practice using the pen as a tracker and pacer.

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如我上面所写,你的行为榜样人扮演着领步人的角色。As I wrote above, your role model acts as a pacer.

该起搏器脉宽测量相结合的PPM公司测量。The pacer width measurement is combined with the PPM measurement.

公共访问法院电子档案系统要求我只能以自己的权限进行独立搜索。The PACER system required that I conduct a separate search for each jurisdiction.

七年前,2000年的夏天,小奥尼尔正式成为印第安纳步行者队的一员。It was seven years ago in the summer of 2000 that Jermaine O'Neal became an Indiana Pacer.

一些分析人士推测这第三个男人就是本拉登,CIA将其称为散步者。Some analysts speculated that the third man was bin Laden and the agency dubbed him the Pacer.

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利用跟踪器和定速器尽量减少有意识和无意识回读,缩短注视持续时间。Regression, back-skipping, and the duration of fixations can be minimized by using a tracker and pacer.

使用“节奏器”,例如一支笔或手指,以在阅读一行或一页时,形成一种注视焦点。Use a pacer like a pen or your finger--as a focal point to draw your eye across the line or down the page.

使用“节奏器”,例如一支笔或手指,以在阅读一行或一页时,形成一种注视焦点。Use ea pacer like a pen or your finger--as a focal point to draw your eye across the line or down the page.

本文概述用非线性有限元技术对直升机结构的坠毁过程进行数值模拟。The pacer summarizes the numerical simulation of crash for helicopters using nonlinear finite element technique.

对于重度的患者,安装心脏起搏器价格昂贵,给病人的生活和经济带来了极大的负担。The cardiac pacer costs a lot for the serious patients and brings them tremendous burden both in economy and life.

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节奏器不仅能帮你进步速度,还能避免重复阅读,并协助了解阅读内容。A pacer can help you increase your speed and reduce re-reading. A pacer can also help you to keep track of what you are reading.

“是的,你游得比我好,这是客观事实,”我执意地说下去,“我的主意是,你在今天下午的仰泳决赛中把我当作定速度的人去追。”"Yes, you do, that's an objective fact, " I insisted. "Now my idea is that you use me as a pacer in the backstroke final this afternoon.

阿泰斯特在印第安纳遇到些老朋友,在步行者队他有过不少精彩的表现,也有过很多的糟糕表现。INDIANAPOLIS — Ron Artest got to see some old pals here in Indianapolis, where he had some highlights and too many lowlights while a Pacer.

这样笔就不仅是一个追踪器,而且还是定速器,能帮助维持恒定的速度,同时还能缩短注视时间。This will not only serve as a tracker, but it will also serve as a pacer for maintaining consistent speed and decreasing fixation duration.

比20世纪70年代生产的大多数美国车都要短,这样的好处是漫步者不会看起来像路上的任何一辆车。Shorter than most other American cars of the late 1970s, but just as wide, the Pacer had the advantage of looking like nothing else on the road.