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我忘了曾寄这封信的事。I forgot posting the letter.

我记得寄走了你的信。I remember posting your letter.

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我记得曾帮你寄过信。I remember posting your letters.

我将稍后放上相关文件。I'll be posting the how-to later on.

在线高得分张贴可得的。Online High-Score posting available.

她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。She rode horseback posting elegantly.

两个公人正在张贴文榜。Two runners are posting an announcement.

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过账是在现金账户中进行的。The posting was made in the cash account.

张贴的链接必须永久物。The posting of the links must be permanents.

这是一个基本的触角项目我贴出。This is a basic feeler project I am posting.

我们每天会发表一篇趋势分析文章。We'll be posting one trend analysis per day.

我建议把广告从星期五登到下星期一。I suggest posting the ad Friday though Monday.

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我在这里发布我最喜欢的8柔软的2007年。Am here posting my Fav 8 soft of the 2007 year.

我不久将会贴一些新的视频,别换频道哦。I will be posting a new video soon so stay tuned.

我看到这张图片便不由自主地把它张贴出来。I saw this picture and couldn't resist posting it.

您也可尝试在浏览我们的论坛或发帖。You can also try browsing and posting on our forum.

此外还有“创世记的答案”网站对我博文的回应。And then Answers in Genesis responded to my posting.

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一○张贴或喷漆广告污染定著物。Posting or painting advertisements on fixed objects.

我忘记信已经寄掉了,所以我又来了。I forgot posting the letter then. So I am here again.

不要写关于为什么你不写新帖的帖子。Don’t write a post about why you haven’t been posting.