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她床上铺的是刺绣床罩。She spread her with embroider cover.

久有长地刺绣头发。To have long embroider the hair longly.

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湘绣以绣虎出名。Xiang embroidery is famous with embroider tiger.

这些手绣织品都是一等品。These hand embroider one is all first class goods.

绣云看了他一眼,问他在想甚么?Embroider clouds to see his one eye, ask what was he thinking?

东西没得说,绣线光亮不起球,颜色十分鲜艳。Things didn't say, embroider line, color is not bright bright.

除此之外,还有装饰了各种饰物的一只精致小箱。There is also a nice casket to embroider various gem in addition.

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编辑会将一篇文章,以调侃式的幽默笔调加以渲染。The editor would take a theme and embroider upon it with drollery.

用我们的双手,绣红地球,赤遍了宇宙。Use our both hands and embroider red earth, red all over the universe.

艾丽丝仍旧清晰地记得祖母教她刺绣的情形。Alice can still vividly remember her grandmother teaching her to embroider.

织物绸面,可以选择的提花、印花或绣花等范畴。Fabric silken face, can choose jacquard, printing or embroider etc category.

在置地广场床上用品专区,笔者见到了琳琅满目的绣花凉席。At Landmark bedding zones, the author met a bewildering range embroider word.

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备有自动卷线器,操作简单,常用于皮料人字缝及布料绣花。Commonly adopted to get lambdoid sewing of leather and to embroider on cloth.

绣制单面布料的时候会经常用到这种方法。This kind of method often can be used when embroider makes bosseyed material.

天还未亮,邵扬就叫醒绣云,要老婆陪他练功。Its not bright, ShaoYang call embroider cloud, to accompany his wife acrobatics.

在中华民族多彩多姿的艺术文化园中,绣花布鞋堪称其中的一朵奇葩。Embroider cloth shoes are one of wonderful flowers in Chinese colorful art culture.

同时也称为绣线融合或者随意针迹。Also call embroider line confluence at the same time optional perhaps needle is slash.

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姜女士是这里的老顾客,她是从绣钥匙链开始喜欢上十字绣的。The old lady is here, ginger, she started from embroider key chains like cross-stitch.

绣云嫁入夫家,年纪比邵阳长了一大截。Embroider cloud married within the memory, the age of shaoyang than long a large margin.

她说以前在南京家里的窗帘和桌布都是她自己绣的。She says antependium is herself embroider to the curtain in Nanjing home is mixed before.