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这些重新定价功能应该被用来决定符合资格的费用。These repricing features should be used to determine the eligible expense.

最后,本文亦发现放松重定价条件会使重定价选择权价格增加。We also find that the effect of relaxing the repricing term on the repriceable ESOs' value is positive.

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每个服务提供商可以由多重网络关系,且每个关系可以运载其自己的折扣或重新定价的特征。Each provider may have multiple network relationships and each relationship may carry its own discount or repricing features.

利率风险按照来源的不同,可以分为重新定价风险、收益率曲线风险、基准风险和期权性风险。According to its different sources, interest rate risk may be classified into repricing risk, yield curve risk, basis risk and optionality.

因此,企图利用通胀抹掉债务责任将导致短期活动利率债务的快速重新估值。Thus, a rise in inflation in an attempt to wipe out debt liabilities would lead to a rapid repricing of such shorter term, variable-rate debt.

因此,仅凭人民币重新定价不能遏止通胀,这和上述的流行观点相反。Thus, contrary to the popular perception displayed in the quotes above, China's repricing of its currency —alone —will not reduce price inflation.

在马里兰州安纳波利斯举行内阁级战略经济对话期间,双方讨论了近几个月的市场波动以及重新定价全球市场风险等问题。During the fourth Cabinet-level SED in Annapolis, both sides discussed market turmoil of recent months and the repricing of risk in global markets.

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有关万一主权债进行重整,民间投资人恐将分担损失的不确定性仍未消除,引发市场对于"零风险"资产重新估价.More broadly, uncertainty remains over private sector burden-sharing if sovereign debt is restructured, leading to a repricing of "risk free" assets.

股票市场下跌和利率上涨很大程度上是投资人风险的重新定价,8月份没人大量交易也放大证实了这点。These stock-market drops and interest-rate spikes are largely the repricing of investor risk – amplified by the fact that few people are trading heavily in August.

在推出行业首个10万里保证之后,现代公司在1998年晚些时候发力,重新定价自己的产品群和消减车型组合使其更接近交易价格。The automaker started building momentum in late 1998 after introducing the industry's first 100, 000-mile warranty, repricing its lineup closer to transaction prices and slashing build combinations.

归根结底,中东国家的动乱扮演了催化剂的角色,促使市场对新兴市场进行价格重估,而此前全球通胀担忧和G10债券收益率上升已经启动了这种重估过程。Ultimately, the events in the Middle East have acted as a catalyst for a repricing across emerging markets that was already under way as a result of global inflation fears and rising G10 bond yields.