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我喜欢好的恶搞电影。I like a good spoof movie.

这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?Is this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof?

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是讽刺波恩-奥本海默近似值的。It's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

尽管这看起来十分滑稽,但我并不想过多的对它进行讽刺。I don’t want to spoof it too much even though it does look silly.

例句“金酸莓奖”于1980年创立,是模仿奥斯卡奖的一个讽刺奖项。Razzie Awards was created in 1980 to spoof the glitzy Academy Awards.

俄罗斯已经进攻格鲁吉亚的假消息引起了人们的恐慌。A spoof broadcast in Georgia claiming that Russia had invaded the country caused panic.

不管是“红客”还是“黑客”,不管是“恶搞”还是“善搞”都感谢。Whether "Honker" or "hacker", whether it is "spoof" or "good practice" are appreciated.

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现在霍姆斯人为他们的名誉插科打诨,制作恶搞视频来嘲笑制裁。Now Homsis are playing on their reputation for buffoonery to make spoof videos ridiculing the crackdown.

其实,波特菲尔德是一名模特演员,被一家恶搞网站所雇佣。此次的“辞职”事件正是这家网站的创意恶作剧。Actually Portfield is a model employed by some spoof web organization and her "resignation" turned out to be a prank.

这些短片大部分都是对美国夜间电视节目和低成本科幻片的恶搞和戏仿。Most of these short films on the American television programs at night and low-cost piece of sci-fi spoof and parody.

例如,如果最近流行科幻片,你就可以试着写一部特殊的科幻电影,比如科幻滑稽片或者科幻喜剧。For example, if sci-fi movies are popular, try a different spin on a sci-fi movie such as making it a spoof or comedy.

不过,一份十四页的山寨版纽约时报带有这一标题,昨天它在曼哈顿被免费分发。But a spoof 14-page "special edition" of the newspaper, circulating free in Manhattan yesterday, did carry those items.

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从社会学的角度来说,这似乎是普及性技术为恶搞文化服务很好的一个例证!Sociologically, this seems like a good example of a pervasive technology serving as a mirror to spoof cultural attitudes.

湖父是一个子虚乌有的骗人产品,据称是一种以大豆为原料的食品,旨在类似人肉的味道和口感。Hufu was a non-existent spoof product, supposedly a soy-based food product designed to resemble human flesh in taste and texture.

卡罗尔喜欢戏弄或嘲笑那些不喜欢用效果更好的简单词汇,而偏爱使用花哨的、大而不当的词的人。Carroll loved to spoof or poke fun at people who used fancy, important-sounding words when simple language would have done better.

该方法借鉴了对等网技术的优点,利用IP欺骗原理和ICMP回响功能来完成检测。This method learns from the advantages of P2P, using IP spoof and the echo function of ICMP data packet to complete the detection.

年度最差影片“金酸莓奖”本周一揭晓,“吸血鬼”、“狼人”、“风之子”大出风头。金酸莓奖也被称为“恶搞奥斯卡”。Vampires, werewolves and airbenders lead the pack at the Razzies, an Academy Awards spoof that hands out prizes for the year's worst films.

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您可以使用一种一次性使用标记,虽然这种技术仍然不能确保表单绝对安全,但是会使表单欺骗更加困难。One technique you can use is a single-use token, which does not make it impossible to spoof your forms but does make it a tremendous hassle.

一个美食节目恶搞视频近日成为中国网友津津乐道的话题,很多人都觉得这个恶搞视频很好笑,看着也让人食欲大动。A food-show video spoof has become a tasty topic for China's ravenous netizens, with most finding the tongue-in-cheek parody deliciously funny.

在去年五月发布的一段有关奥巴马卸任后生活的搞笑视频中,他请奥巴马帮自己从两副墨镜中选一选。In a spoof video about Obama's post-presidency life released last May, he asked Obama to help him choose between two different pairs of shades.