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参与一次魔兽世界的突袭行动。Participate in a World of Warcraft raid.

我没有自己的权利魔兽等等。I do not own the rights to Warcraft etc. etc.

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对一些人来说,这的确是场与魔兽的战斗。For some, it really is a war against Warcraft.

魔兽更多的带有一种漫画式的幻想风格。WarCraft has more of a comic-book fantasy style.

在魔兽争霸出来前我一直都不算是真正的电脑游戏迷。I was never a real PC gamer until WarCraft came out.

我弟弟学会了战术,我妹妹学回了魔法。My brother learned warcraft. My sister learned magic.

魔兽争霸III现在将在启动时自动写入注册表数据。Warcraft III will now write its registry keys on launch.

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我昨天买了张“魔兽世界”的点卡。I bought a World of Warcraft rechargeable card yesterday.

五人地下城是魔兽世界的基本要素。Five-person dungeons are a cornerstone of World of Warcraft.

NX的魔兽世界主题衬衫,那么就穿上秀一下吧。NX's fantastic World of Warcraft shirts, so wear it proudly!

有人说魔兽没前途了,特别是在韩国。Some people claim that Warcraft is dying, especially in Korea.

该药材专业魔兽世界,是非常有价值的。The herbalism profession in World of Warcraft is very rewarding.

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他打魔兽的时间都少,没有那么多的时间哈。He beat the time of Warcraft are less and less time to Kazakhstan.

我当时还在玩魔兽3的塔防地图。I was also playing Tower Defense mods in Warcraft III at the time.

如果你的会自动更新魔兽争霸世界账户的,把这个也取消掉。If you automatically renew your World of Warcraft account, cancel it.

魔兽世界实现了许多对网游来说是独一无二的复杂特性。World of Warcraft delivers many complex features that are unique to MMOGs.

你的魔兽世界刀片服务器将封装在一个自定义安装的棕框内。Your World of Warcraft server blade will ship in a custom-fitted brown box.

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这是风靡的角色扮演网游魔兽世界中一个男兽人发出的声音。That's the sound of a male orcin online roleplaying behemoth World of Warcraft.

方便玩家进行管理查询魔兽世界密保卡!To facilitate the players to manage World of Warcraft secret security card check!

半神在魔兽世界里属于不朽种族,但他们既非无所不知也非无所不能。Demigods in Warcraft are immortal, but they are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.