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就在去年秋天他似乎还不堪一击。Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable.

许多人只是被带到这个会即刻成为他们坟墓的大坑的边缘。Many were simply led to the edge of what would imminently be their grave.

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欧盟委员会批准希罗达扩大适应证的最终决定也可望将在近期做出。The final EC decision on Xeloda for its extended use is expected imminently.

这不仅仅是一个技术问题,这也是一个迫切的政治问题。This is not just a technical question, it is an imminently political question.

最后一节比赛,双方在几轮攻防之后,分差并没有被迫近。Last competition, both sides after several round attack and defense, divides the difference imminently not.

古蒂的经纪人公开表示期望他的委托人立即和皇家马德里续约。Fernando Guti's agent has let it be known that he expects his client to re-sign with Real Madrid imminently.

因此,对区域制造业信息化工程的实施战略进行研究有着十分重要的意义。How to promote Regional Information-based Manufacturing Engineering effectively becomes an imminently research problem.

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若是患者紧急的自杀想法,就预先制定的行动计划,我们推荐平静、关怀的方式。A calm and caring approach is recommended, with previously determined plans of action ready should a patient be imminently suicidal.

迪卡尼奥关于未来的决定即将作出,决定取决于拉齐奥是否考虑向这名锋线老将提供新合同。A decision over Paolo Di Canio's future is expected imminently as Lazio consider whether to offer the veteran striker a new contract.

城乡收入差距加大是目前人们普遍关注的热点问题之一,也是实践中亟待解决的突出问题。The enlargement of income rural-urban Disparity is widely focused at present, and is also a highlighted issue that should be imminently solved.

对许多公司来说,“再造”是它们摆脱老掉牙的流程、改变行将被淘汰的命运的惟一希望。To a lot of company"rebuild hope only the "being their antediluvian breakaway technological process, changing the destiny being sifted out imminently.

尽管中国的股价急剧飙升,但这种情况本身并不意味着中国确实出现了泡沫或者泡沫马上就要破裂。But although equity prices have surged spect- acularly, this does not itself mean that China is, by definition, a bubble or that it will burst imminently.

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也就是说,无论从哪个层面来看,或隐指,政治哲学都是一门,迫切相关于实用的学科,一块实用的研究领域。All of this in a way is another way of saying or at least implying okay that political philosophy is an imminently practical discipline a practical field.

朴茨茅斯执行主席彼得。斯托雷向天空体育透露,他们接到了一份对格伦。约翰逊的报价,而且交易可能很快就会来临。Portsmouth executive chairman Peter Storrie has told Sky Sports News that the club have received a bid for Glen Johnson and that a deal could be concluded imminently.

而后,薛明在三号位的进攻和拦网多次成功得手,帮助北京女排顽强的将比分迫近到14-17。Then, Xue Ming and blocks in the third position's attack succeeds many times goes well, helps Beijing female volleyball team tenaciously the score imminently to 14-17.

不过杰克和丹尼尔斯此后也分别三分中的还以颜色,格兰杰扣篮得手,步行者队将比分迫近至57-67。However Jake and Daniells hereafter also distinguishes three point returning the favor, Grainger is over-the-rim shot goes well, pedestrian team score imminently to 57-67.

完全可以理解有人担心一些事情有可能会发生并且想去谈论这个事情。但是不要假设这就意味着暴徒马上就到哪里哪里了。It's totally understandable that people are scared of what might happen, and want to talk about it – but don't assume that means that looters are imminently descending on Scunthorpe.

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出版之后他马上在英国各书市上广为推销该书,宣传的口号是“一个不同凡响的向导,把你引向快速减肥,美妙的性经历,让你成为超人。”The sequel, imminently to announce itself loudly in British bookshops, is The Four-Hour Body, subtitled "An uncommon guide to rapid fat loss, incredible sex and becoming superhuman".

保诚保险董事长哈维·麦格拉斯和首席执行官迪德简·西亚姆预计会确认该交易猝死并披露这一流产交易的确切损失。Harvey McGrath, its chairman, and Tidjane Thiam, the chief executive, are expected to confirm the deal is dead imminently and to reveal details of the exact cost of the aborted transaction.

当前,我国教育,特别是职业教育,对学生未来的发展、终身教育等关注不够,迫切需要进行改革。Currently, education, especially vocational and technical education in our country, gives little attention towards students future development and lifelong education, which needs imminently reform.