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我没有感受到爱情,我也不想装假。I felt no love, nor feigned any.

不真实的民主孳生犬儒主义。A feigned democracy breeds cynicism.

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他假装受伤,我喜欢他的诙谐。He feigned injury and I gigged at his playfulness.

白贼七装着很勉强地答应了。With feigned reluctance, White Thief Seven agreed.

他是个跳水能手“,安布罗斯说,假装钦佩的样子。He's a master diver," Ambrose said. In feigned admiration.

他装病或装作其它形式的无能为力以逃避责任。He feigned illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty.

“贾尔斯今早来电话了,”米雷拉装作若无其事地说。Giles phoned this morning, " Mirella said with feigned indifference."

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在还没有呕吐或晕过去之前,她假装一阵咳嗽,逃离了房间。She’d feigned a coughing jag to escape the room before she vomited or passed out.

爸爸点点头,那丝微笑表明他对此并无多大兴趣。Baba nodded and gave a thin smile that conveyed little more than feigned interest.

两个骗子买了两台织布机,假装开始工作,可在织布机上什么也没有。They also put up two looms, and feigned to work, but they had nothing at all on the loom.

更羸摆好姿势,拉开弓弦,虚射一箭。Geng Ying positioned himself, drew back his empty bowstring and feigned the shot of his arrow.

齐罗故作震惊地挺身而起,又重新落下,发出一声拍打湿石头似的声音。Ziro reared up in feigned shock, then settled down again with a noise like slapping a wet stone.

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她故作冷淡地道了别。这有什么了不起的?可是,马车似乎变得冷冷清清了。She said good-bye with feigned indifference. What matter could it make? Still, the coach seemed lorn.

有人宣称他们所谓的恐慌是装出来的,意在把波士顿人妖魔化,把他们当成危险的暴力分子。Some allege that their fear was feigned in an attempt to portray Bostonians as violent and dangerous.

阿尔巴托夫显出一副尴尬相,装得很到家,像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事。Arbatov feigned embarrassment beautifully, speaking as though he were confiding a great family secret.

尽管国防军向瑞士佯攻制造攻势,但它从来没有试图入侵。Although the Wehrmacht feigned moves toward Switzerland in its offensives, it never attempted to invade.

正如巴克把咒骂理解为爱语一样,桑德也把巴克假装咬人看作一种爱抚。And as Buck understood the oaths to be love words, so the man understood this feigned bite for a caress.

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最关键的时候到了,没有一个队员装熊,各个都卯足了劲。As the most critical moment arrived, no team member feigned incompetence, and everyone was fully prepared.

这种说法挺有意思,但是这股热情并非发自内心,结果也令人难以下咽。It's an interesting argument, but the enthusiasm seems a touch feigned and the conclusion hard to swallow.

两个杀手都假饰忏悔以获得提前释放,而哈瑞斯更乐于有机会表演一番。Both killers feigned regret to obtain an early release, but Harris had relished the opportunity to perform.