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如果他表现不好,给他不及格。If he is no good, flunk him.

如果你不学习你会不及格的。You're going to flunk if you don't study.

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尽管我尽了最大努力,还是没有通过考试。If you don't study hard, you'll flunk out.

要是我们不改变世界,你会让我们不及格?So you are like flunk us if we don't change the world?

想得美,破损的话需要父母承担经济损失,这对父母来说真是个灾难。Breakage is a flunk and financial catastrophe for the parents.

下一个环节就要更困难些了,许多父母都不及格。It is the next part that is more difficult and which many parents flunk.

如果你不积极进取,更加努力学习,你就人考不及格。If you don't get on the ball and starts studying harder, you're going to flunk.

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然而他继续求我,说假如这次再考不好,这科就会被当掉。He then kept begging me, saying that if he failed the test, he would flunk the course.

在一个有77名学生的班级里,我只给一个学生打A,也只给予一个同学不及格的评分。In one class of seventy-seven, I gave only one A, and only once did I flunk a student.

难道你不知道凯勒教授号称“杀手”教授吗?他每个学期都让好几个学生过不了。Dont you know Professor Keller is a "killer"? He made several students flunk every term.

他估计如果按照成绩升级的话,十个学生中将有六个过不了关。He estimated that as many as 6 of every 10 students would flunk if they had to advance on merit.

没事就好。时间太紧张就别再给自己增加负担,读书还是比较重要的。That's right. I'd rather have a low income than flunk a class. That's the kind of thing I could really lose sleep over!

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但,让我们面对它,生命中充满了各种各样的考试——有一些你第一而有一些你却不及格——因此,从某点说,你必须要适应它。But let's face it, life is filled with all kinds of tests — some you ace and some you flunk — so at some point you have to get used to it.

他们认为,在大学里发展个人兴趣和培养自身专业特长才是最重要的。为此,他们会因在自己特别感兴趣的科目中取得相当优秀的成绩而感到自豪,但其他课程却总是考不过。For this purpose, they of-ten have every reason to pride themselves on excellent academic achievements in the subjects they take a deep interest in, while they may flunk in other courses.