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四季循环往复。The seasons revolve.

行星绕着太阳运转。The planets revolve around the sun.

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或者凌空飞起,将这一切慢慢地转动Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly

这些个轮子须同速转动。The wheels must synchronize as they revolve.

这颗星球旋转一周需要多少个小时?How many hours does it take this planet to revolve?

许多人的决定涉及到节食和体重。Many resolutions revolve around diet and weight gain.

行星在围绕太阳旋转的同时,也绕着它们的自转轴自转。Planets revolve about the sun and rotate on their axis.

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这些问题多数是围绕课文内容而设计的。These questions most revolve the text content to design.

轮子转动时,那两个轮子上的齿就啮合了。The teeth on those two wheels mesh as the wheels revolve.

这些成功故事主要关乎于悟性和选择。These success stories revolve strictly around perception and choice.

双子星是两颗互相围绕对方旋转的星体组成的星系。A binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other.

在四行程循环时,每凸轮必须旋转打开一阀门。Each cam must revolve once during the four-stroke cycle to open a valve.

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斯托曼的一生仍然致力于自由软件的推行。Stallman's life continues to revolve around the promotion of free software.

请各位师兄提出更好的建议来运转语音室!Ask each senior to put forward the better suggestion to revolve speech room!

合家欢这里的旋转形扶手电梯在香港是独一无二的!。Here of revolve the form arm-rest elevator to is the one and only in Hong Kong!

在那之后,最津津乐道的以及最坚持不懈的故事就萦绕着Llanganates山脉。After that, the best and most persistent stories revolve around the Llanganates.

爵士乐也是多重节奏的,即多种节奏围绕一个基本节奏而进行。Jazz is also polyrhythmic, which means many rhythms revolve around one basic one.

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按转体的周数分两周旋、三周旋等。Two weeks revolve, three weeks according to swivel Zhou Shufen revolve and so on.

正象太阳是太阳系的中心天体一样,原子核是原子的核心。There is a nucleus at the center of anatom. Around this nucleus revolve electrons.

对柳永的争议,主要是围绕其曾有的“浪子”身份展开的。Controversies over Liu Yong mainly revolve on his once-held status as a "libertine".