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第七关是篝火晚会。Kwan is the seventh evening campfire.

我们在晚上将有营火晚会。We will have a campfire in the evening.

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耐久度很低的一个简单营火。A simple Campfire that has low durability.

当我们去野营的时候,我在营火边歌唱。When we go camping, I sing by the campfire.

当我们去野营的时候,我的妈妈在营火上做饭。When we go camping, my mom cooks over a campfire.

我们在篝火的火焰旁暖手。We warmed our hands near the blaze of the campfire.

在湖岸边燃着篝火,篝火旁边有个帐篷,帐篷旁边有两只幼熊。By the lake burned a campfire with a tipi beside it.

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营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时。The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.

营火在火焰熄灭后还闷烧了几个小时。The campfire smoldered for several hours after the blaze died down.

他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.

他们围着篝火吃着牛肉干并谈论着他们这一天的生活。They sat around the campfire eating jerk beef and talking about their day.

潍坊一中美国“汉语桥”夏令营篝火晚会现在开始!Now, the campfire party of the USA "the Chinese bridge" summer camp begins!

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Campfire是另外一个设计用来快速发布消息的工具。Campfire is another tool designed for rapid messaging by a development team.

到处都是用旧了的树桩和圆木,还有篝火的灰烬。Here and there sat well-worn stumps and logs and the remnants of a campfire.

你懂的,从直升机上跳下来,在泥潭里匍匐前进,围坐在篝火旁。You know, jump out of helicopters, crawl in the mud, sit around the campfire.

那天早上我和家人围着火堆吃早餐,因为我们无法忍受那个冷度。I had breakfast with my family around the campfire as we can't stand the cold.

他们围坐在篝火旁讲着自己狩猎冒险的奇闻。They sat around the campfire telling tall tales about their hunting adventures.

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那晚我们拜营火之赐,准备了一顿相当丰盛的晚餐。That evening we prepared a rather outstanding meal that we cooked over the campfire.

一罐食物只要求最小的烹饪器具并减少对营火的需求。One-pot meals require minimal cooking utensils and eliminate the need for a campfire.

夜晚,经常围在篝火边唱歌或讲故事。Often in the evenings, they gather around a big campfire to sing songs or tell stories.