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看看这种“麻醉枪”吧!Enter the Tranquilizer Gun!

瑜伽,她说,“是我的镇定剂。”Yoga, she says, "is my tranquilizer."

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性爱是世界上最安全的镇定剂。Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world.

独占镇静剂市场的制药公司。A drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.

普京手持着那支击退老虎的麻醉枪。Putin holds the tranquilizer gun that he used to stop the tiger.

你提前进入中年危机,你需要吃镇定剂。You're having a premature mid-life crisis. You need a tranquilizer.

就在这时,普京迅速拿起一杆麻醉枪将其射倒。Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilizer gun.

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十次性爱比镇定剂烦宁更有效。Sex is around ten times more effective as a tranquilizer than Valium.

杰克感到怀疑,他用麻醉枪射击了梅森,把其弄昏了。Jack is suspicious, and shoots Mason with a tranquilizer gun to knock him out.

牠在被哥伦布动物园的一名兽医所发射的麻醉枪击中后就逮。It was caught after a Columbus Zoo veterinarian hit it with a tranquilizer dart.

云雨之欢可是世界上最安全的镇定剂了额,效果是安定的10多倍。Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world and it is 10X MORE effective than Valium!

耳机里的清浅曲调像是某种镇定剂。消除了一切琐碎的堆积。In QingJian tune the headset tranquilizer like some. Eliminates all petty accumulation.

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性爱是世界上最安全的镇定剂,药效超过安定10倍。Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.

在运输之前或期间,不得使用任何合成的镇定剂或兴奋剂。Before or during transport, there shall be no use of synthetic tranquilizer or stimulant.

5小时的僵持局面,黑熊被射入镇定剂,移动了几步,然后落到网里。After a 5-hour standoff, the bear budged with the help of a tranquilizer gun and landed in a net.

医生检查了图表后,点点头,给这个人开了强镇静剂。After checking the chart , he nodded and wrote the man a prescription for a powerful tranquilizer.

现在,对斑马进行跟踪研究的科学家们,手里拿着的不再是麻醉枪,而是一台摄影机了。For scientists tracking zebras, point and shoot now involves a camera instead of a tranquilizer gun.

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比如,要在猩猩身上采集血样,就需要先将猩猩"击倒“或给它一枪镇定剂。For instance, acquiring a blood sample from a chimp can require a “knockdown,” or shooting it with a tranquilizer gun.

这位说话强硬的总理用镇静剂枪射中了一知雌性老虎。The tough-talking prime minister shot a female tiger with a tranquilizer gun after it had freed itself from a restraint.

他驾驶过战斗机,击败过柔道黑带选手,最近,他又射中老虎,尽管使用的武器仅为一支麻醉枪。He has flown a fighter jet, defeated black-belts on the judo mat and recently shot a tiger, albeit with a tranquilizer dart.