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该计划正在商酌中。The scheme is now under deliberation.

这样的审议,并无实质意义。Any such deliberation would have no real significance.

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民主要求辩论和经过深思熟虑的投票。Democracy requires debate and deliberation as well as voting.

这是一种超越极限的民主审议。It was democratic deliberation raised to the level of an extreme sport.

意志无非是深思熟虑中最后余留的欲求或厌恶。Will is nothing but the last appetite or aversion remaining in deliberation.

经过多次的推敲提炼形成了具有金玫瑰自身风格的品牌形象。After many times of deliberation , GEMIRE finally had its own style brand image.

她不需要时间去细想细问,读着读着便下定了决心。She needed no time for deliberation or inquiry. Her resolution was formed as she read.

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齐罗眨眨眼睛,让瞬膜故意慢慢翻过眼球。Ziro blinked, passing the nictitating membranes across his eyes with slow deliberation.

他们的假说是,我在药店浪费掉的那些考虑时间实际上是一种元认知上的错误。Their hypothesis is that my wasted deliberation in the drugstore is a metacognitive mistake.

姑娘的父母想来想去,告诉大妈,他们的女儿,胸前有块胎痣。After much deliberation the girl's parents, told the aunt, their daughter, chest pieces mole.

挤压综合征急性期施行筋膜切开术的适应症有待斟酌。Indications for fasciotomy in crush syndrome during the acute phase need further deliberation.

烟幕是一个高大、强壮的战士,移动缓慢谨慎但威力巨大。SMOKESCREEN is a big, strong warrior that moves with slow deliberation and packs a lot of power.

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研究和讨论案情也会减少政治在大法官裁决过程中的影响力。Deliberation also plays a role in moderating the influence of politics on justices’ decision making.

查理斯·科赫像个工程师一样有条不紊地收获着商业和政治上的战果。Charles Koch seems to have approached both business and politics with the deliberation of an engineer.

教研组内日常的研讨活动具有较强的实效性,这对教师的教学工作有很大的帮助。The daily deliberation activities have many practical results, which does much help to teachers' work.

我们要纵观过去,经过一番深思熟虑和努力,来找出谁才是最受之无愧的人。There’s a history there, and a lot of deliberation and effort to figure out who would be truly worthy.

这类知识,需要判断力与商议能力,商议技能或商议艺术。This kind of knowledge entails judgment and deliberation the deliberative skill or the deliberative art.

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妇女用纽扣、蝴蝶结和花边打扮得花枝招展,被认为是有邪念的举止。Women were thought to be more provocative of sinful deliberation if gussied up in snap, bows and frills.

宗教界人士享有充分的参政议政权利。Religious personages enjoy full rights to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.

然而,在很多其他的情况下,应该给罪犯假释的机会,尽管每一个机会都应该经过深思熟虑。In most other cases, however, parole should be an option, although an option exercised with careful deliberation.