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由此我们可以算出这些纸的总质量为9千克。This gives a mass of 9 kg.

你有多重?我有48公斤重。How heavy are you? I'm 48 kg.

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她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。She has set a target of 80 kg.

此金属约重20公斤。The metal weighs roughly 20 kg.

我的体重最高到达了100公斤。My weight peaked at almost 100 kg.

两个人的身高都是184厘米,而且体重都是83公斤。Both were 184cm tall and weighed 83 kg.

每户供应一公斤白糖。Sugar was rationed to 1 kg. per family.

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他们在加内特的周围放的全是垃圾。They have put nothing but trash around KG.

请问1000KG的白糖的价格是多少?What’s the price for 1000 Kg of white sugar.

驴的负荷量大约为70--80kg。The donkeys carring capacity is about 70-80 kg

固定扶手,可翻起挂脚。仅重11.5公斤。Fixed armrest, foldable footrest, only 11.5 kg.

年产林蛙油4万千克左右。Annual production of frog oils is about 40000 kg.

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这种机器在一个小时之内可以剥壳56公斤。In one hour, it can shell about 56 kg of peanuts.

PLUS采用多层复合纸袋包装,每袋25公斤。PF-PLUS is packaged in25 kg multi-ply paper bags.

肥水充足可达10公斤以上,一般亩产1.5万公斤。Plenty of water per kg, general 10 1.5 million kg.

博尔特是人类运动的奇迹,身高1米93的他体重却只有76公斤。Bolt is a physical marvel, at 1.93m and just 76 kg.

“920公斤”提供一个检测的机遇。Then 920 Kg will work as an occasion of examination.

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但烟草购买商们希望将起拍价格确定在每公斤90卢比。But buyers wanted the price to be fixed at Rs 90 a kg.

一个攻击那不勒斯,意大利下降六四零零千克炸弹。One attack on Naples , Italy dropped 6400 kg of bombs.

所有的猪在活重达90公斤左右时宰杀。All the pigs are slaughtered at about 90 kg liveweight.