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他的断然拒绝使我心灰意懒。His rebuff thoroughly deflated me.

她的拒绝使他的骄气大挫。Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.

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我不知道上校会不会容忍我不服从命令。I wondered whether the colonel would take this rebuff.

粗鲁的拒绝使丽莉的血液沸腾起来。Lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff.

有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan.

弟子们笑了,很欣赏这个巧妙的回应。The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff.

在可能情形下,他们总把华盛顿的高压政策顶回去。Wherever possible they dealt Wanshington's high-handed policy a rebuff.

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哈梅内伊看似拒绝了艾哈迈迪内贾德试图亲他的手的举动。The Ayatollah appeared to rebuff an attempt by Mr. Ahmedinejad to kiss his hand.

我们试图友好一些,但是他的回绝使我们认为他想要独自一人。We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think the wanted to be left alone.

一大早常江就来到宁彩霞家,没有争取到原谅还碰了一鼻子灰。Early in the morning Chang Jiang came to NingCaiXia home, no to forgive also touched a rebuff.

弗朗斯表示杰弗逊这个对英王的干脆回绝“令人非常激动”。Seeing Jefferson's rebuff of that characterization "was a spine-tingling moment, " France says.

去年12月,国内对总统的批评似乎渐增—投票人给了总统一份间接的好战行为回绝书。This seemed to reach a crescendo last December when voters handed him a serious indirect rebuff.

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门徒们哈哈大笑,认为这是一个巧妙而有理的回击.只有那路人被那句话背后深刻的智慧所打动.The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth.

有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。Some commentators suggested that the ban might be a rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan.

张副官受命拜访霍家,似是劝霍三娘与张启山冰释前嫌,但却碰了一鼻子灰。Zhang adjutant to visit her family, is to persuade Mr Three niang and Zhang Qishan animosity, but got a rebuff.

对于负隅顽抗回击微软的杨致远来说,时间尤为紧迫。TIME is running out for Jerry Yang, the boss of Yahoo!, in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft.

其结果被视为是英国议会对欧洲人权法院的断然回绝,六年前,欧洲人权法庭裁定该禁令是非法的。The result is seen as a rebuff to the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled six years ago the ban was illegal.

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叶静宜也终于明白自己以后的路,断然拒绝于金的求婚,选择和于清江在一起。Ching-yi yeh also finally understand oneself future road, rebuff from king proposal, selection and Yu Qingjiang together.

胜利找来管文军家,正巧碰见管文军出门,胜利提出借住被管文军一口回绝。Victory to find GuanWenJun home, happen to run into GuanWenJun go out, victory puts forward lodge was GuanWenJun a rebuff.

但他的团队确实发现嗜碱性细胞击退了一种寄生虫的二次攻击,证实了这种细胞辅助免疫记忆的功能。His team did, however, find that basophils help rebuff a parasite's second attack, confirming that the cells aid immune memory.