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我在运动家庭长大。Grew up in athletic family,

她有一运动选手的身材。She has an athletic figure.

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你去参加运动会。You go for an athletic meet.

高尔夫,一项运动竞赛?Golf, an athletic competition?

它的造型是运动感和现代感。It shape is athletic and modern.

蒂娜比泰拉更活跃。Tina is more athletic than Tara.

这些运动短袜特价出售吗?Are these athletic socks on sale?

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运动会因雨延期举行。The athletic meeting was rained out.

他是一个体格健美的年轻人。He is an athletic -looking young man.

刘丽带吧。记得穿运动服哦。Yup. And remember to wear athletic gear.

他在竹梯上表演了体育绝技。He did athletic stunts on bamboo ladders.

在运动完后洗澡或淋浴。Bathe or shower after athletic activities.

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他强壮,活力,是一个优秀的终结者。He is strong, athletic and a good finisher.

我的其他家人也非常爱好体育。The rest of my family is also very athletic.

我靠体育奖赏金上的大学。I attended college on a athletic scholarship.

而想到杜克就想到那儿学生都是超级运动员。And I think Duke guys can give super athletic.

我靠体育奖赏金上的大学。I attended college on an athletic scholarship.

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她在体育运动方面的才能使她的对手相形见绌。She dwarfed all her rivals in athletic ability.

明天学校里开动员大会,不能迟到。Tomorrow has an athletic meeting , don't be late.

当他宣称游戏,体育、运动性竞技when he casts games,sports, athletic competitions