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最后我便可以打开计算返回最初嵌套了。And I unwrap the computation to get back.

那个男孩等不及要打开他的礼物。The boy can't wait to unwrap his present.

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羊驼拉玛的假期。打开存货。打开文件盘。Llama Llama holidays. Unpack stockings. Unwrap trays.

我们一般不在送礼人面前打开或者评论礼物。It's our custom to unwrap a present in the donor's presence.

我们的习俗是在送礼人面前打开礼品。It’s our custom to unwrap a present in the donor’s presence.

为生长和把选择变成的各种各样的工具一个样式横跨滤网。A set of selection tools which work in the Unwrap UVW editor.

然后,客户机必须展开响应,最后进行处理。The client then must unwrap the response and finally process it.

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在我向听众们解释他们是什么的时候,请打开他们。Please unwrap them while I explain to the audience what they are.

使用这个工具你能够只需要点击几下鼠标即可平展复杂物件。Using this tool you can unwrap Complex Objects with just a few clicks.

在这一步我们就是属于基础事件了,也就是说我们可以打开这个计算了。At that point we're in the base case and we can unwrap this computation.

两位修女飞快地到一个长凳上坐下,打开了她们的的“狗”。Excited, the nuns hurried over to a bench and began to unwrap their 'dogs.

我们一般不在送礼人面前打开或者评论礼物。We don't usually unwrap or comment on a present in the presence of the donor.

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我们一般不在送礼人面前打开或者评论礼物。We don’t usually unwrap or comment on a present in the presence of the donor.

如果,你打开那个包,就会明白我刚才为什么愣住了。But if you’ll unwrap that package you may see why you had me going a while at first.

镂空的结构,令使用者在打开包装前,就能窥视到产品的样貌。The product inside can be peeped through the hollow structure before unwrap the packing.

她先用缝纫用的大剪子剪开了打结的绳子,然后和爸爸一起拆报纸。She snipped the knotted line with her sewing shears and they began to unwrap the newspaper.

但问题是这些卷曲的叶子在展开编辑器中看起来十分地凌乱。But the problem was that these curly leaves were rather messed up looking in the unwrap editor.

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当我分好一个游戏角色,我经常会给上半身更多的象素。When I unwrap a game character I usually give more pixel density to the upper part of the body.

假装用手切开这个卷好的蛋卷,然后手拉毯子的底侧假装打开蛋卷,让小朋友从毯中滚出。Then unwrap the egg roll by pulling the open end of the blanket so the child rolls inside the blanket.

使用镊子抓取乳鼠,不要让气味留在你的受上。Unwrap & remove the pinkies with tweezers, be careful not to handle them & leave your own scent on them.