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在哪里可以买到罗曼诺牌的洗头液和沐浴液?Where can I buy the Romano brand of shampoo and bath?

这次人质交换计划是在意大利总统普洛蒂和阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的协商下进行的。The release was negotiated between Italian President Romano Prodi and Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

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他年轻有为,是我们“第三条路线”小组的一名成员,欧盟主席罗马诺·普罗迪也是。He was a bright young progressive who was a member of our Third Way group, as was EU president Romano Prodi.

18日,雅克·希拉克和罗马诺·普罗迪来到白宫,这是我与欧盟领导人的最后一次会面。On the eighteenth, Jacques Chirac and Romano Prodi came to the White House for my last meeting with European Union leaders.

了解有关添加在此免费视频剪辑在意大利通心粉和奶酪与专家的提示和建议罗马诺干酪烹饪食谱。Learn about adding the Romano cheese with expert tips and advice on cooking recipes in this free video clip on Italian macaroni and cheese.

本周,动荡不安的罗马诺·普罗迪中左翼政府将停休至今的原因归于上个月几乎造成其倒台的事件。ROMANO PRODI'S shaky centre -left government this week laid to rest, at least for now, the issue that almost caused it to collapse last month.

2006年9月18日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂会见了意大利总理普罗迪。Chinese President Hu Jintao met with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of September 18, 2006.

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随着大选的临近,他逐渐收起了招牌式的乐观自信,转而攻击、诋毁他的竞争对手左翼领导人罗马诺·普罗迪。As the vote approaches, he has abandoned his trademark optimism and launched a negative campaign denigrating his centre-left challenger Romano Prodi.

包括总理普罗迪在内的意大利政界要人呼吁采取铁腕措施打击足球暴力。Italian political figures, including Prime Minister Romano Prodi, have asked for a strong signal that football-related violence will not be tolerated.

试验表明,改善越冬营养,可显著地提高罗杂和考杂的生产性能和遗传潜力的发挥。The test showed that improving winter nutrition could obviously increase the capacity and genetic latent energy of crossed romano vand crossed corriedale.

此外,在饭前的鸡尾酒时间奉上用切块水果、罗马羊奶酪末、黑胡椒粉混合而成的小食,或把它串在扦子上和虾仁一起串烤。Also try serving wedges of the fruit at cocktail hour with a light sprinkling of shaved Pecorino Romano and black pepper, or put it on skewers with shrimp and grill.

意大利总理普洛迪发起一项反对死刑的运动,目前在联合国内获得九十五国的响应。Italian Premier Romano Prodi launches a worldwide campaign to discourage capital punishment, a plan that is currently applauded by 95 countries within the United Nations.

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欧洲委员会主席罗马诺·普罗迪对中欧关系的发展表示乐观,强调中欧关系“以平等为基础”的重要性。European Commission President Romano Prodi hailed the good relations between the EU and China, stressing the importance of China joining hands with the EU "on equal footing".

意大利总理普罗迪领导的政府誓将重点打击逃税行为,而意经济部最新公布的数据显示了反逃税行动的艰巨性。Romano Prodi's government has promised to make the battle against tax evasion a top priority and the latest data released by the economy ministry gives an idea of the task it faces.

法官约瑟佩罗曼诺加格瑞勒命令意大利政府的高风险委员会成员于9月20日在拉奎拉接受审判。该委员会负责评估发生自然灾害的可能性。Judge Giuseppe Romano Gargarella ordered the members of the national government's Great Risks commission, which evaluates potential for natural disasters, to go on trial in L'Aquila on Sept. 20.

因为毗邻佛罗伦萨艺术学院美术馆,不难见到三五学生共享一盘托斯卡诺萨拉米、摩泰台拉香肠、佩科里诺干酪和意大利熏火腿配一大堆托斯卡纳面包。Steps from Florence's Galleria dell'Accademia, it's not uncommon to see students sharing a plate of salami toscano, mortadella, pecorino Romano and prosciutto crudo served with heaps of Tuscan bread.