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与邓迪队的这场比赛是对我们意志的一次真正的考验。The match with Dundee is a real test of character for us.

威士忌酒已送到邓迪港的保税仓库。The whisky was taken to bonded warehouses at Port Dundee.

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在邓迪,流浪汉的狗总是得到免费的兽医护理。Homeless people in Dundee are being offered free vet care for their dogs.

约克郡是再北一点,在英国中部。敦提郡则在苏格兰。Yorkshire is to the north, about in the middle of the country, and Dundee is in Scotland.

邓迪大学热带疾病药品研发项目组的保罗·怀亚特负责领导该项研究。Paul Wyatt at the Drug Discovery for Tropical Diseases program at the University of Dundee led the study.

苏格兰邓迪大学运动分析与研究机构的负责人,说道。Abboud, director of the Institute of Motion Analysis and Research at the University of Dundee in Scotland.

上一场比赛是在1月31日,流浪者队2-0击败邓迪联队,进球队员是弗莱克和拉弗尔蒂。In the last league match on 31 January, the Rangers won 2-0 against Dundee United with goals by Fleck and Lafferty.

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兰伯特的团队已经发现这些神经类固醇透过GABA-A受体作用,与合成的麻醉剂一样。And the Dundee team has found that these neurosteroids operate through the same GABA-A receptor as synthetic anesthetics do.

这项发表在“基因和发展”杂志上的研究成果,是由在新加坡和英国敦提大学的科学家团队进行的。The study, published in Genes And Development, was carried out by teams of scientists in Singapore and the University of Dundee.

而且它可以包括,邓迪蛋糕,巧克力圣诞节原木,松糕,填料,在毯子,肉汁面包酱,猪,野鸡。But also it can include , Dundee cake, Chocolate Yule log, trifle, stuffing, bread sauce, pigs in a blanket, gravy, and Pheasants.

1932年,当他还是21岁时,就在敦提的一次演说中首次提出关于企业的理论,可惜没人去听。He first expounded his thinking about the firm in a lecture in Dundee in 1932, when he was just 21 years old. Nobody much listened.

从阿森纳租借到该队的18岁的斯托克斯,在上个月打入了六球,包括周末对邓迪联队的帽子戏法。The 18-year-old striker, on loan from Arsenal, scored six goals last month, including a hat-trick against Dundee United at the weekend.

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如果你问居住在爱丁堡、格拉斯哥、邓迪和阿伯丁的居民,这四个城市有什么相同之处的话,他们的第一反应都是“没有什么相同的”。If you ask the citizens of Edinburg and Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen what they have in common their immedate reflex is to say "nothing".

只要看看几个月前当邓迪联队面临清盘时只好去找球迷寻求帮助才得以恢复你就会知道,这个错误让他们受到了深刻的教训。After all you only need to see how Dundee had to turn to their fans to help them survive following their return to administration a couple of months ago.

凯尔特人和萨顿赢得了苏格兰杯,对手邓迪联队门将曾有过把守切尔西大门的青训学员尼克-科尔根坐了冷板凳。Celtic and Sutton win the Scottish Cup, beating Dundee United for whom goalkeeper Nick Colgan, a youth product who played one game for us, is on the bench.

普林斯·鲍本将在本周对阵阿伯丁的比赛中为邓迪联队出场,队长李·威基也会登场,同时,另一员大将赞德·戴梦得也已经从阿喀琉斯之踵中康复。Prince Buaben will be available for Dundee United's trip to Aberdeen, as will the captain, Lee Wilkie, while Zander Diamond has overcome an Achilles tendon injury.

他为联合国儿童基金会担任了20多年的亲善大使,并在苏格兰的邓迪大学担任了几年校长。He was for more than 20 years a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund, and for several years was a rector7 of the University of Dundee in Scotland.

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因为我们对于乳制品的销售量很大,所以对我们来说,尽所有可能维持牛只的健康便显得非常重要。Since we deal a lot in milk products, it is very important for us to keep our cattle as healthy as possible, and I am more than certain that Dr. Dundee will be of great benefit to us.

艾拉斯葡萄园,位于美国西北部俄勒冈州敦提山脉上,经营理念简单明了,“以合理可承担的价位出品全世界最卓越的黑皮诺”。Erath Vineyards, located in the Dundee Hills of Oregon in North West America operates around one simple principle " to make the best Pinot Noir in the world at the most affordable price."

Quaranta和Vanderbilt大学、苏格兰敦提大学的同事们发展了癌症侵袭性的计算模型并在12月1日的细胞杂志中描述了该模型。Quaranta and colleagues at Vanderbilt University and the University of Dundee in Scotland developed a computational model for cancer invasion and described the model in the Dec. 1 issue of Cell.