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把垃圾放入垃圾焚烧炉。Put the garbage down the incinerator.

太空中的那个巨大的焚化炉就会把它们都烧掉。Then a giant incinerator in space would burn the garbage.

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污水处理场、焚化炉废气除臭。Deodorization of sewage treatment plant incinerator flue gas.

吸入染毒系统的出气口处安装有一个空气焚烧装置。The system is supplied with an air incinerator on the outlet.

几乎可以肯定这一页后来被撕下来送进了焚化炉。That leaf was almost certainly torn up and sent to the incinerator.

他们更好的去处是在焚尸炉里面,这样才能整顿局面。Better place for them is inside an incinerator to put things straight.

应使用焚化炉进行焚烧,以保证高温和充分的燃烧。This should be done in an incinerator to ensure a hot, complete burning.

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你可以选择在任何地方兴建焚化炉,但不能建在我的后院!You can build the incinerator anywhere you like, but not in my backyard!

目前宝安垃圾焚烧厂产出电力足够给40,000户家庭提供照明用电。The Baoan incinerator generates enough power to light 40, 000 households.

而在每轮投票后会在教堂的焚烧炉内焚烧选票。The ballots are burnt after each session, in an incinerator inside the Chapel.

大林事件中,老农民所展现强大的动员力,反对的只是焚化炉吗?In this case, why were the old farmers mobilized to be against the incinerator?

Fritzl没有将生病的小孩送到医院,而且后来还在焚烧炉里火化了男孩的尸体。Fritzl failed to get the boy medical help and later burned his body in an incinerator.

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一名工人把垃圾铲到宝安垃圾焚化炉中,该焚化炉同时还能发电。A worker shoveled trash at the Baoan incinerator in Shenzhen, which also generates power.

给出了回转窑焚烧系统的结构简图,介绍了其工作原理。One schematic diagram of rotary kiln incinerator and its working principle were presented.

这些焚化兵是人类克隆体,在培育时被强化了杀戮与毁灭的欲望。Bred from a human stock, Incinerator troopers were raised with intense urges to kill and destroy.

焚化兵装备有强大的等离子体步枪,用于将整个村落和城市化为灰烬。Incinerator troopers were equipped with powerful plasma rifles to burn down entire villages and cities.

江联公司还研发了专门锤炼有毒有害的医用垃圾焚烧锅炉。The hospital incinerator is researched and developed to deal with the toxic waste by Jianglian Company.

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数千居民对在小区建设垃圾焚烧厂一事表示强烈反对。Thousands of residents strongly opposed the construction of a garbage incinerator in their neighborhood.

钢铁、硬木材、纸板箱、聚碳酸酯和亚麻制品上的所有东西都从焚化炉中转移出来了。Everything from our steel, hardwoods, and cardboard to our lexan and linen is diverted from the incinerator.

这座在罗斯基勒地区特别新建的垃圾焚烧炉,为一个原本单纯的工业综合体增添了新的价值。The new incinerator in Roskilde is created specifically to add value to an otherwise purely industrial complex.