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残渣被搅起。The dregs are stirred up.

涤尽渣滓罪﹐斩绝恶萌芽。Wash off the dregs of crime.

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切割口小,整齐,无掉渣现象。It cut a small mouth, neat, no dregs.

倒掉沉渣,把壶涮干净。Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot.

她把咖啡渣子倒进水池子里。She threw the coffee dregs into the sink.

但是人渣的问题通常都问得太深奥。But Mr Dregs always asks recondite questions.

渣滓沉淀下来,液体变清了。The dregs settled and the liquid became clear.

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公侯,愚钝世系的残渣们。Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow.

经过测试之后,均无发现有芋头粉块之残留现象。After the tests, the dregs of taros power never found.

不过通常被他们榨出来的东西都很令人印象深刻。But it is these dregs that are often the most impressive.

焊割作业有大量的火星飞溅和熔渣。Soldering could cause numerous of spattered sparks and fused dregs.

碱渣废水是炼油厂油品精制过程产生的高浓含酚废水。Alkali dregs wastewater is one of the major pollution in refineries.

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我们要做到的是取其精华,弃其糟粕。What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.

席恩喝干他最后的几滴淡啤酒然后勉强站起来。Theon drained the last dregs of his ale and rose reluctantly to his feet.

全伦敦的人都拥到公园里来,从夏天的酒杯里喝掉那残剩的酒脚。All London had poured into the Park, draining the cup of summer to its dregs.

他对小脚、辫子等“国渣”的赞赏或维护也是事实。It is real that he praised or supported such "dregs" like bound feet and plaits.

二是封建文人,三是文人渣滓,四是进步的知识分子。They are "I" image, feudal literati, literati dregs and progressive intelligence.

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介绍了用催化酸浸工艺从铜铋硫化物渣中回收铜。The catalysis-acid leaching process of copper bismuth sulphide dregs is introduced.

本发明公开了一种菜籽饼或菜籽粕的脱毒方法。The invention discloses a method for detoxicating rapeseed cakes or rapeseed dregs.

五天内清洁工运走了近四百吨堆积的垃圾与渣土。Nearly 400 tons of accumulated refuse and dregs were removed altogether in five days.