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勒布朗必须得证明他转会南海岸是一个明智的抉择。LBJ has to show a South Beach relocation was smart.

林登•贝恩斯•约翰逊上的是德州西南师范学院。LBJ attended Southwest Texas State Teachers College.

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他喜欢开玩笑,很机灵,态度坚定,而且和林登。约翰逊一样,也很会做交易。He was funny, smart, tough, and as good at deal making as LBJ.

这是自约翰逊总统以来最给力的记录。This is the most impressive record of any president since LBJ.

那时林登。约翰逊已赢得总统大选,我很高兴地和汤姆的父亲辩论政治。LBJ had won the election by then, and I enjoyed arguing politics with Tom's father.

3月12日那天,麦卡锡在新罕布什尔州获得了42%的选票,林登.约翰逊获得了49%的选票。On March 12, McCarthy got 42 percent of the vote in New Hampshire to 49 percent for LBJ.

LBJ简直就是卡尔马龙的身体和魔术师约翰逊的技术混合体。LBJ is literally what happens when you mix the body of Karl Malone with the skillset of Magic Johnson.

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在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。Prior to joining WHO, Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa.

在担任副总统之前,林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊在参议院和众议院工作了很多年。Before he was vice president, LBJ had served for many years in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

杜兰特是非常棒的得分手--或许是全联盟中最棒的--但是LBJ是联盟中至今为止最最全面的球员之一。Durant is a great scorer -- maybe the best in the league -- but LBJ is one of the greatest all-around talents the NBA has ever seen.

初选时我支持林登。贝恩斯。约翰逊,因为他在参议院领导有方,特别是1957年通过了民权法案。此外他并没有强烈维护南方奴隶主集团的利益。I had been for LBJ in the primaries because of his Senate leadership, especially in passing a civil rights bill in 1957, and his poor southern roots.