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冷如冰。Cold as ice.

冰块水族缸。Ice aquaria.

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冰鼬鼠?Ice weasels?

我冷若冰霜。I'm like ice.

水果冰茶。Ice fruit tea.

冰也不错。Ice is not bad.

冰雪聪明。Ice snow clever.

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请给冰红茶!Ice tea, please.

有的人说世界将毁于冰。Some say in ice.

长岛冰茶。Longland ice tea.

我们需要冰淇淋!We need ice cream!

冰是固态的水。Ice is solid water.

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我的名字叫夏冰。My name is hot ice.

冰已解冻。The ice has thawed.

冰化完了。The ice melted off.

冰把泥土冻实了。Ice bound the earth.

冰见热就化。Ice melts with heat.

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我在冰上滑倒了。I slipped on the ice.

湖面结了一层薄冰。Ice skimmed the lake.

冰封的地狱。Into its hell of ice.