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始终交织成的空中节日。Always interwoven into the festive air.

确保现场有提供相应的节日美食和饮品。Be sure to serve festive food and drink.

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过节的时候这里总是很喜庆。Yeah, it's really festive around the holidays.

这就是双赢,你们会看起来很带劲儿的!It's a win-win, and you'll look festive to boot!

他们走家串户,互相祝福,好不喜庆。They door-to-door, bless muntally, very festive.

节庆假日,杂耍艺人便在街头卖艺。On festive days, acrobats performed in the streets.

其表演形式与“花灯”近似。The performance is similar to the "Festive Lantern".

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在教堂外面的马槽广场上到处洋溢着节日气氛。Outside in Manger Square, the atmosphere was festive.

值此佳节之际,恭祝事业蒸蒸日上。At this festive occasion, wish business was flourishing.

在澳门,龙舞和狮舞营造了新年的气氛。Dragon and lion dances create a festive spirit in Macao.

节日北极熊滑冰的长袖睡衣。Festive polar bears skate on the long sleeve nightshirt.

民族舞表演为旅客带来欢乐的节日气氛。The Chinese folk dance brings festive joy to passengers.

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喜庆的彩纸已经挂在天花板上。Festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.

她的男人提前赶回到家中然后亲手为她预备了节日般的大餐。Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal.

招待会上,驻塞舌尔大使王卫国致词对前来出席招待会的嘉宾表示热烈欢迎。Ambassador Yang extended to the guests his festive greetings.

新加坡的大象收到了圣诞礼物“止痛靴”……Singapore elephants get festive gift of boots for jumbo pain.

承上题,节日性消费对你有何意义?。From above question, what do festive consumption means to you?

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取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。Watership auspicious festive magpie and form full of persimmon.

他在春节晚会上的出色演出果然让他出名了。His execllect performance on Spring Festive Gala made him famous.

当然,在哈坦加会举行极地归来晚会。On return from the Pole a festive party will be arranged in Khatanga.