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你们有照烧牛肉吗?Do you have beef teriyaki?

把酱油倒在弄好的鸡上。Pour the teriyaki sauce over the chicken.

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她喜欢烤鸡——不要香料填塞的,只要BBQ和日式烧烤。She enjoys roast chicken- no stuffing, just BBQ or teriyaki.

生菜,洋葱,碎面包,炒鸡腿肉,日式烧汁。A bed of greens, crispy onions, croutons , grilled chicken, teriyaki dressing.

情人鲜鱼挞,配西红花,蒜香罗勒和烧烤酱,玉米饼,菠菜和土豆。Three Fish Towers "Valentino", with Saffron, Pesto and Teriyaki sauce, Polenta, Spinach and Potatoes.

其他新上榜污渍还有日本烧烤酱、榄油、蒜酱以及橘黄色的藏红花调料留下的印迹。Also new on the list were teriyaki sauce, olive oil, pesto sauce and the orange-yellow colors of saffron.

学习如何煮日本料理专家提示牛肉这个免费的在线视频红烧牛肉食谱。Learn how to cook beef for Beef Teriyaki with expert Japanese cooking tips in this free online video recipe.

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了解如何削减这个免费的在线视频红烧牛肉食谱的烹饪技巧与专家日本牛肉。Learn how to cut the beef for Beef Teriyaki with expert Japanese cooking tips in this free online video recipe.

一位护士清理了地板上的食物,面条撒了一地,照烧酱渗过了地板砖。A nurse cleaned the food off the floor, where the teriyaki seeped 9 across the tile in a scene of noodle carnage.

了解如何在这片免费在线视频食谱煮牛肉红烧牛肉日本烹饪技巧与专家。Learn how to slice cooked beef for Beef Teriyaki with expert Japanese cooking tips in this free online video recipe.

你也可以试着自己用芝麻油、生姜、酱油和蜂蜜制作的日式烧烤,而不去用商店里买的谷物糖浆。Try making your own Japanese teriyaki with sesame oil, ginger, soy sauce, and honey, and skip the corn syrup of the store brands.

用橄榄油炒洋葱和蘑菇配上大蒜放入螺丝面,海鲜及照烧汁,表面撒上香菜末和白芝麻。Use olive oil sautéed onion and mushroom with garlic adds fusilli paste, seafood and teriyaki sauce, sprinkle coriander chopped and white sesame.