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内置的RSS饲料选项的博客。Blog with built-in RSS feed option.

不不不,我确实需要整理下我的RSS订阅链接了。Nah, I really need to re-sort my RSS feeds.

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对美神有更进一步的了解。Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more!

你有多少的RSS供稿纯粹是“垃圾”呢?How much of your RSS feeds are purely “junk”?

这种图标会有不同的形状和尺寸。RSS icons come in different shapes and sizes.

首先,把阅读器和版式分开。First, lets separate RSS readers from the format.

今天大卫·温拿有个很棒的关于如何重启RSS的帖子。Dave Winer today has a great post on how to reboot RSS.

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你可以通过订阅RSS或者通过电子邮件来避免这种痛苦。You can avoid the pain by subscribing by RSS Feed or by Email.

RSS是应用于网络上的一种联合供稿标准格式。RSS is a standard format for syndicating content on the Internet.

RSS整合的运用使这一操作简便易行。The RSS remixing application makes it easy to create simple filters.

要知道这个网站被更新了吗?订阅子玉的RSS提要。Want to know when this site is updated? Subscribe to Ember's RSS feed!

每一项RSS提要传送包括摘要形式的最新新闻故事。Each RSS feed consists of the most recent news stories in summary form.

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首先,我为你们提供了一个免费的RSS订阅源,而且目前还是没有广告的。First, I provide a full-text RSS feed, and at least for now it’s ad-free.

RSS是驻留集合大小,即进程所使用的非交换区的物理内存。RSS is Resident Set Size, the non-swapped physical memory used by process.

RSS订阅是一种快速高效阅读新闻和博客的方法,而且不用担心垃圾邮件。RSS feeds are a spam-free, quick and efficient way toread news and weblogs.

同时,他同样也拥有49000名订阅者,这些读者很可能和我一样喜欢他。He also has 49, 000 RSS subscribers who are probably regular readers like me.

它可以是JSP视图,Freemarker、XSLT或Velocity模板,或RSS视图。It can be a JSP view, a Freemarker, XSLT or Velocity template, or an RSS view.

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他果然没去,只守在电视机前,等候看当时鉴宝的转播。He does not go to, just keep in front of the television, waiting to see the RSS.

你必须调整你的新闻阅读器以检索世界卫生组织网站的RSS提要传送。You need to set your news reader to retrieve the RSS feed from the WHO web site.

订阅黑客攻击RSS,在你的新闻阅读器上取得最新消息。Subscribe to the Hack Attack RSS feed to get new installments in your newsreader.