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老师和孩子们住在想象不到的偏远地方。The OSP teaches Nepalese children living in inaccessible places.

某些焊锡膏对于镀锡表面具有良好的效果,但对裸铜OSP的焊接效果则很差。Some pastes do well with tinned surfaces but solder poorly bare copper OSP.

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本文就OSP工艺应用、维护及检测进行了阐述。This text has been explained on OSP process is used, maintained and measured.

OSP的使用确认了这两种技术规范都能够免费实现。The use of the OSP confirms that that these two specifications can be implemented for free.

BCS必须在年度检查前的相当长的一段时间内收到每年更新的OSP。The updated OSP has to be received by BCS in sufficient time before the annual inspection for its review.

的全部细节OSP方法,最近出版的杂志照明技术研究,第二卷。Full details of the OSP method were recently published in the journal of Lighting Research Technology, Vol.

发生变化时,企业应更新有机体系计划并在现场提交给检查员确认。The OSP has to be updated whenever a change in your operation occurs, it will then be verified on site by the inspector.

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同时用OSP方法研制的软件在大庆油田进行了实际应用,取得较好的效果,表明该方法具有良好的应用前景。OSP method developed software has been applied in Daqing Oilfield with good effect, indicating a good application prospect.

随着环保领域对电子产品的要求,OSP将成为PCB表面涂覆的趋势。With the requisition for electronic product of the environmental protection field, OSP will become the trend of surface coating of PCB.

如果当年认证的过程中,项目的OSP有任何变化、问题或更新OSP都必须及时通知BCS。Inform BCS of any changes, problems or modifications of the OSP if they occur during the period for which certification has been granted.

适用于防焊、化金、化银、化锡和OSP的前处理,可处理薄板和软板。It is ideal for green oil, gold removing, silver removing and tin removing, and OSP pre-treatment, both thin board and flexible can be processed.

OSP是微软的一项法律程序,该程序承诺开发人员使用程序覆盖范围之内的规范不会遭到微软的控告。OSP is the order of a law of Microsoft, this program acceptance develops personnel to use a program to enclothe the standard in limits to won't suffer the charge of Microsoft.

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基于低水压及大交换量的渗透原理,配合浸喷水刀安装于输送板面,以达到有效的表面处理。The principle of OSP machine is that the lower the water pressure, the larger the exchange volume. OSP machine has flood bar installed on the conveyor level for most efficient surface processing.

OAP可以根据客户与开源社区提出的反馈进行发展,而且,我们也乐于使得OpenService格式和WebSlice格式的技术规范能够在OSP下可用。The OSP was developed with feedback from customers and the open source community, and we’re happy to be making both the OpenService Format and WebSlice Format specifications available under the OSP.