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这两个学生住在一块。The two students roomed together.

她和南希在大学里合住一处。She and Nancy roomed together at college.

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在大学里我和杰克同寝室两年只久。I roomed with Jack in college for two years.

我和史密斯在大学里同房间二年。I roomed with Smith in college for two years.

那孩子刚上大学时寄宿在汤姆家里。When the boy first went to university, he roomed at Tom's.

他们在北京大学上学时在一个房间里住了三年。They roomed together in Beijing University for three years.

“我不知道,”博迪回答,“我只是和他的行李同居一室。”"I don't know, " Bodie replied. "I only roomed with his suit-case.

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艾奇住在两个街区之外的利窦夫人家,并在那里吃早餐。Ikey roomed and breakfasted at Mrs. Riddle's, two squares away. Mrs.

城市社会空间的隔离也是人们自我选择的结果。Urban social isolation is also roomed in the self-selection of people.

所以我跟他们住在一起,立刻就有了两个可以一起出门的朋友,So I roomed with them and instantly I had two friends to who I could hang out with

吉姆和带着项链和珍珠耳环的女孩跳舞直到清晨,回到楼上她的橡木单间房子,她说,她的父母不在,吉姆仍然没有清醒。Jim dancing until dawn with necklace and pearls. Back at her oak roomed upstairs house she says her parents are away and Jim is still not sober.