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患有厌食症和食欲过盛的人处于骨质流失的风险中。People who have anorexia or bulimia are at risk of bone loss.

有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia.

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这样会导致暴食症影响将来它们将来在族群中的关系。It will lead to bulimia later destabilizing relations in a group.

上个星期为了准备美国政府总决赛,我把复习材料在脑子里完整过了一遍!Last week I had total Cerebral Bulimia prepping for that US Government final.

社会上,为了变苗条厌食症和贪食症越来越普遍。Anorexia and bulimia become normal in a society that is striving to be slender.

牙医也许是最早注意到进食紊乱症如暴食症的表现的。A dentist may be the first to notice signs of an eating disorder such as bulimia.

其他有人表现出遭受身心压力的迹象,并产生了精神性贪食和厌食症。Others have signs of psychosomatic stress and develop conditions like bulimia and anorexia.

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你可能会成为可怕的饮食失调的受害者,如厌食和食欲过盛。You could potentially become a victim to horrible eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

而且,她们更倾向于不画脚或者画出不连贯的脚。Women with anorexia or bulimia tended to draw pictures without feet or with disconnected feet.

厌食症和易饿病是少见和复杂的心理疾病,并且带有很强的遗传因素的。Anorexia and bulimia are very rare and complex psychological disorders with a strong genetic component.

有厌食症或暴食症的女性画脖子的时候更倾向于画成粗脖子、没脖子或不连贯脖子。Women with anorexia or bulimia tended to portray themselves with a larger neck, a disconnected neck or no neck.

善饥可引起严重的并发症,如龋齿、胃破裂或脱水,甚至可以致死。Bulimia can have serious medical complications, such as dental decay, stomach rupture, or dehydration, and can be fatal.

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由于节食减肥形成暴食症,曾经一个月了,往常瓜子脸变成了大饼脸,还能变回来吗。Since the formation of bulimia dieting to lose weight, once a month, always oval face into a pie face, you can change back.

几项神经影像研究也表明贪食症人群的前扣带回皮层活动异常。Several neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated abnormal activation of the anterior cingulate cortex in subjects with bulimia.

研究人员发现,有厌食症或暴食症的女性自画像中有不同于正常人的特征。They found that women with anorexia or bulimia draw themselves with different characteristics than women without eating disorders.

而神经性厌食或神经性贪食的人的血液中则含有异常低的瘦素。Individuals with anorexia nervosa or with bulimia nervosa have been found to have abnormally low concentrations in their bloodstream.

为将其列入议程的动力部分来自于2007年的一项研究,它表明此症在美国很普遍,与厌食症和贪食症合并起来一样多。The impetus for its inclusion comes in part from a 2007 study which suggests that it is as common in the US as anorexia and bulimia combined.

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这个与人类压力有关的物质,在某些罹患偏执性与冲动性心理疾病及一些摄食疾病像厌食症及贪食症患者身上也会增加。This stress-related substance is also elevated in people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

男同性恋者比异性恋的女人更有可能遭遇身体形象问题和饮食失调,如厌食症和暴食症。Gay men are more likely to experience body image problems and eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa, than are their straight counterparts.

海伦患了食欲过盛症时,她总是先吃一些食物然后或者是作运动,服用泻药,或者让自己呕吐,以此除去食物。When helen suffered from bulimia she used to binge on certain foods and then either exercise take laxatives or make herself vomit in order to get rid of it.