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社会里充满了激动效应的例子。Society is replete with examples of the vividness effect.

初读时它给人的印象是生动和简洁。What strikes at a first reading is its vividness and terseness.

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画家粗略地添加了几棵树,使画面环境颇显生动。The artist sketched in a few trees to show a vividness in its surroundings.

褒义性、含蓄性、生动性和形象性是其主要的语义特征。Its main semantic characteristics are commendation, implicitness and vividness.

犯罪现场的生动描述使该书成为经典的神秘小说。The vividness of the description of crime scenes made the book a classic mystery novel.

福克纳的戏剧性、生动逼真的作品在小说界从未被超越过。The dramatic force and vividness of Faulkner's best work is unsurpassed in modern fiction.

他以活泼生动的方式指挥这场表演,完全地传达出他想表达的音乐意含。He conducted with an energy and vividness that completely conveyed his every musical intention.

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正确地使用量词,将使语言准确、鲜明、生动。When used properly, classifiers make the accuracy, sharpness and vividness of language, and vice versa.

强烈的艺术激情、生动的形象性和深刻的哲理性构成夏衍戏剧语言的特色。His drama language can be characterised by strong artistic passionateness, vividness and philosophicalness.

文本以个人化、真实、生动又清新的叙述,震撼读者,让读者见微知著。His writings are a mixture of personality, realism, vividness and originality, which deeply impresses readers.

概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。The indication of the Approximate Number is of great significance to the accuracy and vividness of the language.

由这些精心设置的交汇带来的进一步的快感源于在它们被设置过程中展现出的极为惊人的生动性。A further pleasure of these charged encounters is the extraordinary vividness with which they have been imagined.

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英语中有一个不同于汉语的语言现象,即用非生物名词作主语,使句子简洁生动。Impersonal subject is an English language phenomenon which lends simplicity and vividness to the sentence concerned.

普通电缆无法处理高带宽的HDTV没有降级,或失去一些深度和生动。Ordinary cables can't handle the high bandwidth of HDTV without downgrading it or losing some of the depth and vividness.

现代应用写作理论强调应用文语言的准确性、简明性和平实性,而忽视其生动性。The present theory on applied writing puts emphasis on its accuracy, conciseness and plainness, but neglects its vividness.

浓厚的悲剧色彩,使徐庶这个艺术形象呈现出一种古典美,给读者留下的印象比历史人物徐庶丰满得多,生动得多,这大概是艺术魅力之所在吧。Strong tragic colour made the artistic figure of Xu Shu in the story appear full of life with vividness and classical beauty.

史特拉汶斯基个人也令我激赏,他充满活力与生动的指挥完整传达了他对音乐的热衷。He was electrifying for me too. He conducted with an energy and vividness that completely conveyed his every musical intention.

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第二天上午回纽约的途中,阿切尔带着倦意回顾起他在斯库特克利夫的最后那段时光。During his journey back to New York the next morning, Archer relived with a fatiguing vividness his last moments at Skuytercliff.

概数表示法对于语言表达的准确性和生动性具有重要的意义。The use of approximate numbers is of great significance in achieving the vividness of language and also a requirement for its exactness.

“是真正亲切的交谈,”她接着说,脸上活泼的笑容让阿切尔感到有些做作。"A really good talk, " she went on, smiling with what seemed to Archer an unnatural vividness. "She was so dear--just like the old Ellen.