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部分排污门泄漏严重。Part of blowdown valve has heavy leakage.

控制水、汽品质,降低锅炉排污率。Four, control water, steam quality, reduce boiler blowdown rate.

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冲落则是利用水流的冲击力达到一次排污。Strong falling is to use the wallop of current to achieve blowdown.

灵活的控制系统减少排污中液体损失。Flexible control systems to reduce liquid loss during solids blowdown.

用于预热进入锅炉的炉水和吸收锅炉排污过程中流失的热量。Used to preheat feedwater entering the boiler and to capture heat lost through boiler blowdown.

从入口冲洗温度较低流体侧,使热交换器与管道中没有水。Flush the coolest stream inlet to blowdown or pumpout system to water free the line and exchanger.

从入口冲洗温度最高流体侧,使热交换器与管道中没有水。Flush the hottest stream inlet to blowdown or pumpout system to water free the line and exchanger.

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从出口冲洗温度较高的流体侧,使热交换器与管道中没有水。Flush the hottest stream outlet to blowdown or pumpout system to water free the line and exchanger.

先用塑料袋之类的东西把排污管口包起来,扎紧,以防堵塞。The thing that uses polybag and so on first rises blowdown nozzle bag, plunge into close, jam in case.

为消除锅炉排污系统存在的隐患,保证安全运行,提出了系统设计和操作方法的一些看法和建议。In view of problems in blowdown system of boiler, some idea about design and operation are put forward.

山西某电厂拟将循环冷却排污水回用作为锅炉补给水。The recirculating cooling water blowdown will be reused to become boiler makeup in a power plant of Shanxi.

研究区土壤中的污染物含量随着与弃渣场排污沟距离的增大呈递减的趋势。The content of soil pollutants in the studying area is tapering off with lasting dreg field blowdown ditching.

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甲醇国际上近年来新出现的很有发展前途的超低排污代用燃料。The emerging and rising ultralow blowdown in recent years in the world of methyl alcohol substitutes the fuel.

排污系统拟采用程控系统,以提高锅炉运行的自动化水平。Programmed control system shall be applied to blowdown system to enhance automation level of boiler's operation.

离子交换法的一个重要应用是用来处理铬酸盐污染的循环冷却水系统的排污。One significant use of ion exchange treatment is for chromate contaminated blowdown from recirculating cooling water systems.

离子交换法的一个重要应用是用来处理铬酸盐污染的循环冷却水系统的排污。One significant use of ion exchange treatment is for chromate contaminated blowdown from recirculating cooling water systems.

选择坐便器时,要注重其排污管设计是否合理,水流是否能涉及到每一个角落。The choice sits implement when, want to notice whether design of its blowdown canal is reasonable, whether can current involve each corner.

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针对铁岭电厂300MW机组锅炉连续排污系统存在的问题,从节能的角度出发,对连续排系统进行了优化改造。In view of the existing problems in the continuous blowdown system of 300MW boiler, the optimal refurbishment is carried out to save energy.

那必须能够充分地掌握住所有的,排气量,也就是压力量,那可能在事故中释放出来。It must be sufficiently sized to handle all the blowdown load which is the pressure load that might be released from the accident situation.

对爆震波到达爆震管口后,发动机的非定常排气过程进行了二维轴对称数值模拟。The unsteady blowdown process after the CJ detonation wave reach the exit of detonation tube was two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical simulated.