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是的,是的,-我就是想弄清楚。,You,are,,you,are。,–Just be clear.

让我们澄清一下。Let us be clear.

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道路通畅。The road is clear.

请来清汤吧。Clear soup, please.

他胸怀开朗。His bosom is clear.

很快就会放晴。It'll soon clear up.

保持云下能见。Keep clear of clouds.

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制定一个清晰的日程安排表。Have a clear schedule.

我们的态度是明确的。Our attitude is clear.

要是天气转晴的话。When the sky is clear.

事实上它一点也不清楚。It is not at all clear.

现在像钟鸣一样清楚?。Are now clear as a bell?

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跑道未清除,拉起复飞。Clear ice on the runway.

则消失得很快They clear very quickly.

今天晴和很热。我休息。Today was clear and hot.

让我把话说白了吧。Let me be clear about it.

让我把意思说明白。Let me make myself clear.

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那是非常直观的That's intuitively clear.

这水很清。The water is quite clear.

为什么你的眼泪流干了?Why your tears dry clear?