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而腹膜则会吸收这些液体。The peritoneum then reabsorbs the fluid.

可能在腹膜或心包内发生出血。Bleeding may occur in the peritoneum or pericardium.

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腹膜是生物半透膜。The peritoneum is a biologic semi-permeable membrane.

你怎么就知道这个手术就不会割裂他的腹膜?How do you know those things didn't rupture his peritoneum ?

腹神经线外被以腹膜。The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum.

胰,十二指肠,胃,肝,脾,胆囊,腹膜。T7- Pancreas, duodenum, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, peritoneum.

目的探讨原发腹膜癌的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical features of primary peritoneum carcinoma.

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测量肛直角、会阴位置、盆底腹膜位置、膀胱位置。Anorectal angle, the level of perineum, peritoneum and bladder were measured.

腹腔镜穿刺孔缝合腹膜对预防肠粘连无意义。Suturing peritoneum cant prevent intestinal adhesion in the laparoscopy group.

血流中的代谢废物通过腹膜进入透析液。Waste products in the bloodstream pass through the peritoneum into the dialysate.

通过切割一部分后腹膜将淋巴管瘤内引流至腹膜腔。The lymphocele is internally drained into the peritoneal cavity by excising a segment of peritoneum.

在暴露前列腺的前面时,必须向上推开腹膜。To expose the anterior surface of the prostate, it is necessary to displace the peritoneum superiorly.

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行剖宫产术时应缝合腹膜,为下次手术创造有利条件。In cesarean section, the peritoneum should be sutured to provide a favorable condition for next operation.

偶尔看到波及胸膜和腹膜的不同程度的浆液纤维性炎症。Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum.

用一个宽的、可伸缩的拉钩将腹膜向上牵拉,然后轻轻将膀胱压向后方。A wide, malleable blade is used to retract the peritoneum superiorly and to gently displace the bladder posteriorly.

改进了穿刺方法,探讨腹腔镜成像下的腹膜后腔解剖,提出“一肌二线三带”特点。The modified method of puncture and the laparoscopic appearence of the psoas major muscles and the peritoneum were discribed.

目的探讨妇科二氧化碳气腹腹腔镜手术对腹膜IL-6表达的影响。Objective To clarify the impact of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery on expression of IL-6 in peritoneum.

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透析充分性、腹膜转运特性、残余肾功能是影响腹膜透析患者营养状况的重要因素。Adequacy, transmitting feature of peritoneum and remnant renal function are important factors affecting on nutritional condition of PD patients.

慢性盆腔炎是女性内生殖器及周围结缔组织、盆腔腹膜的炎症,是妇科临床中最常见的疾病。Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which often happens in female clinic, means women's inflammation of genitalia, pelvic tissues and peritoneum.

其结果表明,恶性间皮瘤16例对S-100蛋白染色阳性者有14例,而腹膜转移性胃肠道腺癌均呈阴性。Positive staining fors-100 protein was observed in 14 of 16 MM, while it was negative in all metastatic gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma of peritoneum.