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构思新项目。Conceive New Project.

创建一个新项目。Create a new project.

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分析项目风险。Analyze project risks.

Hobo是一个很大的项目。Hobo is a big project.

我会终止这份企划案。I'll halt the project.

反骗子项目。An anti-scammer project.

“三八绿色工程”活动。March 8th Green Project.

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工程造价管理。Project cost management.

博物馆的示意图。Sketches of the project.

那么,就开始新项目吧。So, on to a new project.

这是一个小型的项目。This is a small project.

在一个工程上倾入了钱。Pump money into a project.

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这个计划是个秘密。This project is hush-hush.

大混乱计划是我的主意。Project Mayhem was my idea.

那是随后而来的计画。That's a follow-on project.

这是一个一次性的项目。This is a lump-sum project.

可视人文规划?。VHP? Visible Human Project?

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哇,大项目。来劲。Wow, big project. I like it.

所以我们的项目还在继续。And so our project continues.

首先,创建一个测试项目。First, create a test project.