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中国的品牌全球化进程不需要那么久。It won’t take China that long to globalize its brands.

金地集团将发展国际化业务作为公司长期发展战略。Gemdale's long-term strategy is to globalize its business.

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就韩国品牌来讲,关键性的一步是企业识别的全球化。For Korean brands, a key mantra has been to globalize their corporate identity.

掌握了这些研究,我们将处于更好的地位来加大预防力度并使之全球化。With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.

意境理认的“现代化”与“世界化”难以实现。Last but not least, it is impractical to modernize and globalize the theory of artistic conception.

知识经济的发展也必然会带来教育的产业化、终身化和全球化。The development of knowledge economy must bring industrialize, lifelong and globalize of education.

外国员工和韩国员工都彼此学习着,同时这也帮助者公司全球化。Both foreign recruits and Korean employees learn from each other, and that helps globalize the company.

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在全球化时代,每一位艺术家都对“人与自然”这一亘古常新的命题做出独具匠心的解答。In a globalize era, each artist has his or her own answer to this never-obsolescent subject in creative way.

为了进一步加深公司的全球化,联想公司将把总部迁往IBM公司位于纽约的阿蒙克本部。In an effort to further globalize the company, Lenovo will move its headquarters to IBM's base in Armonk, New York.

潘恩迪说越来越多的中国公司将在拓展全球业务的同时寻求IT服务支持。Mr. Pande said more Chinese companies will be looking for support in information-technology services as they globalize.

如何通过鼓励和支持国家与社区努力加强这些有效的预防策略并使之成为全球普遍的行动,则是我们所要解决的问题。The challenge is to scale up and globalize these effective prevention strategies by encouraging and supporting countries and communities.

随着日本企业向全球扩展业务,他们希望招聘更多既会日语又会说其他语言的外国学生。As Japanese companies push to globalize their operations, they're keen to hire more foreign students who speak languages other than Japanese.

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危机才刚刚开始,可全球化的金融大收购战役却在这场混乱中不断开始演绎。The crisis only then just started, may globalize the financial big purchase campaign actually unceasingly starts in this confusion to deduct.

然而一些日本公司已经公开表示他们会雇佣更多的外国人为了让他们的劳动力更全球化,但是这些公司仍然是少数。While some Japanese companies have publicly said they will hire more foreigners in a bid to globalize their work forces, they remain a minority.

因此若要达到前述之需求,必须以全球化的财富管理平台进行全球化的资产配置。Therefore, in order to reach the needs for HNWIs, it's essential to structure a globalize platform for wealth management which can provide a global asset allocation.

社会的信息化、经济的全球化使创新精神与实践能力成为影响整个民族生存的基本因素。Society turning to information area and economy turning to globalize make innovative spirit and practical ability become a basic factor that affects the whole nation survivorship.

在全球经济一体化的今天,外文是我们了解世界的一种工具,而国际视野是我们与外界交流的前提。At a time of globalize economy, foreign language is an important tool for us to under-stand the world , and an international exposure is the basis for us to communicate with outside.