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——它已经是只迷信的鸽子了。It had become a superstitious pigeon.

迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.

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一些迷信的人深信有鬼。Some superstitious people believe in ghosts.

鸽子,在某种意义上,变得很“迷信”。The pigeons become, in a sense, superstitious.

你迷信吗?我猜我是个宿命论者。Are you superstitious? I guess I am a fatalist.

七年的背运我有个非常迷信的朋友名叫麦克。I have a very superstitious friend called Mack.

让利斯夫人有些迷信而且还是个拉丁语学者。Madame de Genlis was superstitious and a Latinist.

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迷信的人们认为红色可吓跑魔鬼。Superstitious people think red frightens the devil.

迷信把盐倒翻在桌子上的说法。She is superstitious about spilling salt on the table.

近来,封建迷信活动又死灰复燃了。Superstitious activities have come to life again recently.

科学家为什么会参与迷信活动?。Why Scientists Might Get Involved in Superstitious Activities?

是迷信的人玷污了数字的完美。It is superstitious people that sully the perfection of numbers.

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有些迷信的人说这栋房子的风水不好。Some superstitious people say that the house's feng-shui is bad.

农村迷信活动有所回潮。There is a revival of superstitious practices in the countryside.

太多的迷信说法,没有任何科学与医学的根据。So many superstitious stories, with no scientific or medical basis.

迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen.

迷信风俗的历史往往可以用来解释它本身。The history of superstitious pratices can often help to explain them.

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再说,“寡妇年”只是一个古语,也可以说是迷信。Moreover, "Widow Year" is only an old saying, we can say it superstitious.

它拥有9999间房间,9在中国迷信中是一个幸运的数字。It contains 9, 999 rooms—nine being a lucky number for the superstitious Chinese.

迷信的人把优先权放在浅薄的超音波高傲上。The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.