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实际上,他的象征是丰饶之角。In fact, his symbol is the cornucopia.

要想在生活聚宝盆中获取真正的财富。To get a real cornucopia of life's wealth.

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勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia.

这样的感冒和流感易发季节会让病毒称为明星。This cold and flu season could star a cornucopia of viruses.

建立一座水库其实就是建立一个财富的聚宝盆。Building a reservoir is the cornucopia that builds a fortune actually.

这是一个财富的丰饶角,被满溢出的果菜篮体现。It is a cornucopia of riches, symbolized by the overflowing market basket.

友情宝库已为你打开,快拿出快乐聚宝盆聚财吧!Friendship house is open for you, quickly come up with happy cornucopia enrichment!

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可以看出,利润丰厚的房地产行业已成为中国丰富的聚宝盆。Can be seen that the profit-rich real estate industry has become China's rich cornucopia.

了解如何填写这个免费视频的秋天聚宝盆工艺的核心或大量号角。Learn how to fill your fall cornucopia centerpiece or horn of plenty in this free craft video.

不过她说,她一直唱歌,因为她从小就“圣诞聚宝盆”的歌曲。However, she says she has been singing the songs on "A Christmas Cornucopia" since her childhood.

了解耗材您需要在这个自由工艺的核心视频的秋天聚宝盆。Learn about the supplies you need to make a fall cornucopia centerpiece in this free craft video.

我们在筏子尾部放置了一张捕捞浮游生物的网,等了几分种后收网,网中活物不少。We placed a plankton net in our rear, waited five minutes, and then hauled in a cornucopia of living things.

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公众正被前沿生物技术研究以其充满“钱途”的美好的未来所吸引。The public is fascinated by frontier biotechnological research and the promise of a filled cornucopia future.

老式房间中窗子开着,风吹得网状的窗帘正像羊角般鼓鼓的。An open window of an old-fashioned room is seen, the net curtain is blowing inward into the shape of a cornucopia.

旅游资源成了聚宝盆,甚至还成了某些部门工作人员眼中的“私家地盘”。Tourism has become a cornucopia of resources, and even some of the staff has become in the eyes of "private sites."

这是一种对存在、对逃离、对从周遭的丰富事物中获得安宁的体验的健忘状态。This is a state of forgetfulness of being, of fleeing, of being tranquilized by the cornucopia of objects surrounding us.

如今,赵建民可以骑上电动车去家乐福超市,那里有丰富的新鲜农产品等着人们采购。Today, Mr. Zhao hops on his electric scooter and zips to the Carrefoursupermarket, where a cornucopia of fresh produce awaits.

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后来,新型钻探工具问世,再搭配持续注入蒸汽,这座油田又开始上演原油盛产的荣景。Later, a new breed of exploration and drilling tools—along with steady steam injection—turned the field into a kind of oil cornucopia.

令人惊讶的是,Lcross在位于月球南极附近的Cabeus陨石坑中发现大量的其他物质和其他分子。Also surprising was the cornucopia of other elements and molecules that Lcross scooped out of the Cabeus crater, near the Moon’s south pole.

从低速度生长的印度大黄到巨大的英国枫树,这一地区的植物用丰富的色彩为冬天的到来做好准备。From the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the plants in this region get ready for the winter with a cornucopia of colors.