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“哼,”钟表匠说。"Hm, " said the clockmaker.

约翰·克鲁西是一位钟表匠。John Kruesi was a clockmaker.

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钟表匠离开房间。The clockmaker left the room.

“我真怀疑,”钟表匠说。"I doubt it, " said the clockmaker.

“她应该给她母亲在一起,”钟表匠说。"She belongs with her mother, " the clockmaker said.

钟表匠已经多年没有带人来做帮手了。The clockmaker hadn't brought her anyone to help for ages.

钟表匠问,他在测试钩究竟深入到什么程度。the clockmaker asked, testing how deeply the hook was set.

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钟表匠向前走过去,把包袱放到床上,放在她身边。The clockmaker stepped forward to place his bundle in bed next to her.

钟表匠返回他的房间,小心地把他的工件移到一旁。The clockmaker returned to his room and carefully moved his work aside.

钟表匠将假孩子塞进自己的长大衣底下,用这种方法来暖和自己。The clockmaker tucked the false child under his long coat to warm himself.

姑娘意志坚强,这让钟表匠很感动,尽管他自己也意志坚强。The girl's strength of purpose impressed the clockmaker in spite of himself.

尽管钟表匠没有考虑过,但他喜欢上了那个男人的脸。The clockmaker would not even have considered it, but he liked the man's face.

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钟表匠想,莫丝对负鼠的实验有可能很快也结束了。The clockmaker figured Moth's experiment with her possum was also likely to end soon.

“那么你得想办法照顾它了,”钟表匠说。"So then I suppose you'll have to figure out how to care for it, " the clockmaker said.

弗里茨,作家,旋转1脊柱刺痛故事欢呼起来卡尔,学徒钟表匠。Fritz, the writer, spins a spine-tingling tale to cheer up Karl, the apprentice clockmaker.

钟表匠站在一家用木板围起来的车身修理厂前面,沙土人行道上没有任何其他人。The clockmaker stood in front of a boarded-up body shop, and the gritty sidewalk was deserted.

她的脚步声慢慢地消失,钟表匠掀开毯子的一角,脑袋立即清醒了。Her footsteps faded, and the clockmaker lifted a corner of the blanket and his head cleared instantly.

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钟表匠把它们俩留在一起,直到深夜,这时假孩子才能成型,而且也到了出发的时间。The clockmaker left the two together until late at night, when the form had set and it was time to go.

传真传输的设想是由爱尔兰钟表匠亚历山大。贝恩于1843年首次提出。The idea for a facsimile transmission was first proposed by Scottish clockmaker Alexander Bain in 1843.

莫丝脸上一直保持着笑容,但钟表匠可以看出她的笑容是勉强堆在那里的,而且她的手臂的摇晃也是僵硬的。Moth kept the smile on her face, but the clockmaker could see it was strained, and her arms moved stiffly.