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还想了解一下重心在护手前多远。I also want to know how far the barycenter is to the armguard.

采用权重定位法对VIL中心区进行定位。The location of VIL heartland is orientated by its barycenter.

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文章还发现,中国经济重心的迁移存在几个特殊的规律。And we has also found some especial rules on the moving of Chinese economic barycenter.

归纳之,东周时期东江流域是岭南的经济重心。In a word. East River Region was the economic barycenter of Lingnan in Eastern Zhou Period.

由于设备重心下降,设备便于安装、检修、维护和使用。It's easy to install, overhaul, maintain and use because the barycenter of the equipment has dropped a lot.

建国以后现代工业的布局影响着经济重心的移动。After New China's establishing, it's the layout of modem industry that has affect the economic barycenter 's moving.

历史上中国的经济重心曾经不断地移动,产业的兴起及其空间拓展在其中扮演了关键性的角色。Chinese economic barycenter is always moving, and industrial rising and extending is very important in this process.

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低重心设计,出杯高度低,运行平稳,符合人体站立操作及观察最佳高度。Low barycenter and height of finished products as well as steady running ensures easy operation and friendly viewing.

结果表明,采用“重量反应法”测定消防车质心位置是一种可行的有效方法。It is concluded that the weight feedback method is a feasible and effective way to measure the barycenter of a fire vehicle.

又讨论了常用的各种光刀提取法的基础上,提出了一种光刀中心自适应阈值提取法。A new adaptive threshold method is proposed , which combines the extremum method with the threshold and the barycenter method.

利用多质点重心法,通过格拉斯曼空间到仿射空间的映射,求出堆垛机动态待命位。The optimal dwell point of SRM is gained via mapping from Rrassmann space to affine space using multi-particle barycenter method.

在过渡阶段,我省运动员身体重心速度和铅球速度都有较大的下降而且过渡阶段时间明显偏长。At the transitional stage, the speed of body barycenter and the shot descend too much, and the transitional time is obviously too long.

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同时,降低混铁车的重心,使其运行及倾动平稳。In addition, the utility model reduces the barycenter of the torpedo hot metal mixer car, and makes the running steadiness during moving.

语种识别实验结果也表明基于重心规则的PONN算法在一定条件下优于SVM。Besides, voice language identification results show that PONN method based on barycenter rule outperforms SVM under certain circumstances.

经济重心理论正是实现这一目标,揭示经济发展的历史演进过程,将宏观经济增长同微观变化相结合的纽带。The economic barycenter is just the bond which could achieve the goal, could reveal the course of the economic development history and could c.

推动小说中女主人公走向革命的主要是一种内在动力,即一种创造历史的乌托邦主义激情,对于这种历史乌托邦的审视,显然是这部小说的重心所在。The force Impelling the heroine to be a revolutionary is the passion of historic Utopia. The survey of the historic Utopia is the barycenter of the novel.

城市是中国可持续发展的重心,中国的城市化有助于解决现阶段可持续发展面临的诸多矛盾。City is the barycenter of China's sustainable development. The urbanization of China redounds to resolve the conflicts in front of sustainable development.

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通过对双金属片轮廓的分析、测量,使用计算二值化图像像素重心的方法得出双金属片的几何中心坐标。Though the analysis and measurement of bimetallic strip contour, the geometric center coordinates can be given by computing the binary image pixels barycenter.

它也包含了月球对地月质心的摄动和采用各向同性的标准坐标系表示的相对摄动。It also contains the perturbations of the Moon onto the Earth—Moon barycenter and the relativistic perturbations expressed in isotropic and standard coordinates.

从实验误差理论角度,分析了沙摆重心变化引起的实验误差,结果表明由重心变化引起的误差相对于其它误差而言在实验中占主要地位。The experiment error which altering barycenter of sand pendulum brings about is analyzed theoretically. And it is also an important factor comparing with others.