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他的疑虑涣然冰释。All his misgivings vanished.

对于这次旅行我有过极大的顾虑.I had grave misgivings about making the trip.

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我对是否接受那份工作顾虑重重。I have serious misgivings about taking the job.

但是邵的中学教师妈妈有疑虑。Bu Shao’s mother, a high school teacher, has misgivings.

不过之后公司高层消除了这一疑虑。However, after the elimination of high-level corporate misgivings.

曾屡传同性恋疑云的他也极力否认。Zeng Lvchuan homosexuality misgivings ' he also vigorously denied.

可是从此以后,每逢看见蜜蜂,感情上疙疙瘩瘩的,总不怎么舒服。Still, after that the sight of a bee always filled me with misgivings.

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企业内可能会对这个新的“共享”安排有所顾虑。There may be some misgivings about this new "shared fate" arrangement.

只有小抄写员弥桑黛看起来支持女王的决定。Only the little scribe Missandei seemed to share the queen's misgivings.

30岁的黛拉雷米娜乔万卡是两个学龄前儿童的妈妈,她已经显得相当担心。But Della Raymena Jovanka, 30, a mother of two preschoolers, has developed misgivings.

躺在那儿是太烦神了,有一百种没根据的忧虑困扰着我的头脑。It was too irksome to lie up there, harassing my brain with a hundred idle misgivings.

张乐奕在上诉状中认为,一审法院判决不妥。Zhang Leyi thinks in petition for appeal, court of first instance adjudicates misgivings.

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有十位这样的参议员在2008年写信给雷德,表达了他们对于限额交易的深重疑虑。Ten such senators wrote to Mr Reid in 2008 expressing grave misgivings about cap and trade.

一旦做了决定,就不要瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾,放手去干吧!Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!

中国从军事和民事上相助巴基斯坦,也让新德里方面深感担忧。China's assistance to Pakistan, military and civilian, has also led to deep misgivings in New Delhi.

当我回首过去,离开圣路易市的教会时、很多会众对我有不了解或不满、深感好像被遗弃了一样。As I look back, there were a lot of misgivings on my leaving STL. The church members often wondered why?

凯恩坚持,投票人喜欢他的计划,尽管他们听到的越多就越对其充满疑虑。The voters, Mr Cain insists, like his plan—although they may get misgivings the more they hear about it.

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我国领导人相关访问部分意图是为了缓解附近国家的疑虑。These visits by our leaders are intended in part to reassure nearby countries, to ease those misgivings.

经过六个月的思想斗争,福田不顾母亲的疑虑,决定接受小则的任命。After six months of agonising, Fukuda ignored her mother's misgivings and decided to accept Ozawa's offer.

我把这顶帽子拿在手里,心里却发愁,怕它戴在我光秃秃的头上会有不好的效果。This I carried in my hand, being assailed with misgivings as to its effect in juxtaposition to my hairless head.