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他的迷思有如下四个。These myths numbered four.

P-45的日子可能屈指可数了。P-45's days may be numbered.

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去年他就拥有五部轿车了。He numbered 5 cars last year.

其中的受伤者这达到了300人。The wounded numbered some 300.

伤亡数以千计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

伤亡数以百计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

迈克尔感觉到他的时日已不多。Michael sensed his days were numbered.

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可以对列表进行编号,也可以不编号。A list can be numbered or non-numbered.

实际劳动力有一万二千。The actual labor force numbered 12 000.

练习从一至三百六十五逐一编号。The exercises are numbered from 1 to 365.

士兵们从右首开始报数。The soldiers numbered off from the right.

这两辆虎王车体上的编号分别是102和502。There were vehicles numbered 102 and 502.

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图书馆里每本书都被编上了号头。All the books in the library are numbered.

我们滑进了一个编了号码的停车处,走了出来。We slid into a numbered stall and got out.

他把页码写在底角。He numbered the pages in the bottom corner.

专业也是编号的,房间也是编号的。Majors are more numbered. Rooms are numbered.

于是梅瑟就照上主吩咐的命令,统计了他们。Moses numbered them as the Lord had commanded.

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注意,在左边是一系列数字编号的文件。Note the series of numbered files on the left.

我认为约翰打光棍的日子不会太久了。I think John's days as a bachelor are numbered.

参观人数达数百万。Visitors to the exhibition numbered in millions.