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产前诊断由绒毛采样是可以做到的。Antenatal diagnosis by Chorionic villus sampling can be done.

通常在产前检查时发现此肿瘤约为怀孕22周以后。Antenatal diagnosis is usually made after 22 weeks of gestation.

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产前诊断工作是一个涉及面广的系统工程。Antenatal diagnosis is a systemic project concerning many aspects.

本研究方法对NF1症状前诊断和产前诊断有重要应用价值。It was valuable for presymptomatic and antenatal diagnosis of NF1.

因此,对用鼓槌体预测胎儿性别的可靠性提出疑问。Therefore the credibility of the drumstick method in antenatal sex determination is doubtful.

无明显禁忌症时,服用皮质类固醇及抗生素时也可给予宫缩抑制剂。Tocolytics can be given to allow administration of antenatal corticosteroids and antibiotics.

经济制约使许多人不去接受产前保健或延缓治疗小病。Financial constraints cause many to skip antenatal care or postpone treatment for minor ailments.

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不用担心,但是还是建议到医院做个产前检查。Needless to depression, What, then still to be recommended to the hospital antenatal check search.

资源匮乏地区产前筛查难以执行的原因Antenatal screening can be difficult to implement in resource poor settings for a number of reasons

如果卫生系统已经超负荷运转了,就不能在产前保健上施加更多的产前干预措施。You can’t drop extra antenatal interventions on antenatal care if the system is already overloaded.

我第一次产前预约的情况困难重重,医生们的情况跟我一样。My first antenatal appointment was difficult as I was confronted with doctors whom I had to educate.

目的了解近10年来我国孕产期保健服务提供状况及不同时期的影响因素。Objective To understand the trend of antenatal care in recent 10 years and find out its influence factors.

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所谓产前假十五天,系指预产期十五天的休假。Alleged antenatal is false 15 days, what the department points to expected date of childbirth 15 days is off.

去做产检的当天,也去看望了另一位刚刚生下小孩的蜜友。After my antenatal examination I went to visit a friend who just gave birth to a child the day before yesterday.

她们可能未获得良好的产前保健,或者之前患有怀孕综合征。They were more likely to have received poor quality antenatal care or to have developed pregnancy complications.

从2000年到2010年,只有刚过一半的孕妇按世卫组织的建议接受了至少4次产前检查。From 2000 to 2010 just over half of all pregnant women made the WHO-recommended minimum of four antenatal visits.

心电图可作为产前常规检查项目,以便早期发现妊高征患者的心肌缺血性损害。Therefore, ECG should be a routine examination in antenatal care, in order to find out myocardial ischemia early.

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从2000年到2008年,只有不到一半的孕妇按世卫组织的建议接受了至少4次产前检查。From 2000 to 2008 fewer than half of all pregnant women made the WHO-recommended minimum of four antenatal visits.

翠园会检讨有关情况时,有关程序审议了RCOG尼斯准则产前预防。CREST will review the position regarding routine antenatal prophylaxis when NICE has considered the RCOG guidelines.

在胎儿监护、产前诊断技术、新生儿疾病筛查等处于领先行列。Technology, new student is diagnosed in fetal custody, antenatal disease sieve is checked etc be in banner cavalcade.